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TACIS Central Asia 2005 Action Programme - Track I - Regional Projekt: Unterstützung zur Einrichtung des Pamir-Alai grenzübergreifenden Schutzgebietes (PATCA) zwischen Kirgistan und Tadschikistan

Description: Das Projekt "TACIS Central Asia 2005 Action Programme - Track I - Regional Projekt: Unterstützung zur Einrichtung des Pamir-Alai grenzübergreifenden Schutzgebietes (PATCA) zwischen Kirgistan und Tadschikistan" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V., Bundesgeschäftsstelle durchgeführt. The PATCA Project will help Kyrgyzstan (KG) and Tajikistan (TJ) to meet the requirements of a number of ratified international conventions, most importantly the Biodiversity Convention as well as the respective Biodiversity Action Plans of KG and TJ and the national Environment Action Plans of KG and TJ through the establishment of the PATCA. Overall Objective: The primary goals of PATCA are not only the preservation of the biodiversity of the region but also the improvement of the livelihood of the local population whilst at the same time protecting and safeguarding the traditions and unique historical-cultural heritage developed over centuries of survival in this harsh environment. Purpose: To assist the Governments of KG & TJ in establishment and management of PATCA through: - Technical Assistance (TA) to: national park system in KG (State Agency on Environment Protection & Forestry) & TJ (State Committee for Environment & Forestry); and, Tajik (Pamir) National Park (TJ) & Alai National Park (KG) - Production of PATCA Management Plan (MP). Project Expected Outputs: - the legal establishment and practical operation of PATCA (within PNP and ANP) including development and official approval of PATCA interstate cooperation agreement between KG and TJ - PATCA management plan development, approval and commencement of implementation - Identification of necessary equipment and training in use of an appropriate equipment. Target Groups: The project is expected to result in a wide variety of beneficiaries, especially when taking into account the long-term implications for sustainable development of communities in the PATCA area. In more direct terms the main beneficiaries of the project are as follows: - The State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry under Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Committee of Environment Conservation and Forestry of Tajikistan through establishment of the PATCA and in more broad terms, support with development, equipment and establishment of the PATCA management plan; - Local Governments - Villages and local population in the two countries - Tour operators - Environmental NGOs - Teachers, educational establishments and major stakeholder groups - Scientists through research possibilities in a poor researched area and training of new methods, establishment of data base - The public at large through increased awareness on and improved protection and safeguarding of the regions biological heritage. The end-beneficiaries of this project will be the population in and around the PATCA, and all concerned with biodiversity conservation in this and the surrounding area. Prime Contractor: AGRECO G.E.I.E., Bruxelles, BE.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Biopharmazeutikum ? Landesentwicklung ? Pflanzensamen ? Genetik ? Umweltbehörde ? Bevölkerungswachstum ? Kirgisistan ? Tadschikistan ? Bodennutzung ? Bodenverbesserung ? Waldboden ? Konservierung ? Demografischer Wandel ? Arbeitsschutz ? Bodenschutz ? Dorf ? Gerätesicherheit ? Interessenvertreter ? Internationales Übereinkommen ? Kommunale Einrichtung ? Management ? Nationalpark ? Schutz der Biodiversität ? Schienenfahrzeug ? Subvention ? Vertrag ? Zielgruppe ? Zulassung ? Verbreitungsgebiet ? Nachhaltige Entwicklung ? Dorfentwicklung ? Berichterstattung ? Asien ? Aktionsplan ? Bodenbildung ? Kulturerbe ? Produktion ? Forstwirtschaft ? Schutzgebiet ? Umwelt ? Verkehrssicherheit ? Kommunalebene ? Umweltschutz ? System ? Biodiversität ? Datenbank ? Grenzüberschreitung ? geschichtlich ? Kulturtechnik ? Lebensgrundlage ? Stützung ? Land ? Umland ? Lehrer ? Vermehrung ? Zweckbestimmung ? Ausrüstung ? national ? rechtlich ? unter ? wichtig ? Länder ? Methode ? Möglichkeit ? Überleben ? öffentlich ? Ableitung ? Nutzungsart ? Bewußtsein ? Dauer ? Erfordernis ? Ergebnis ? Gemeinschaft ? Gruppe ? Hilf ? Projekt ? Schutz ?

Region: Berlin

Bounding boxes: 10.44987° .. 10.44987° x 54.03573° .. 54.03573°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2006-12-14 - 2008-11-01



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