Description: Das Projekt "Elektrochemische Verfahren zur Segmentierung aktivierter Stahlkomponenten" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Kernkraftwerk RWE-Bayernwerk GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: electrochemical decontamination has a great importance during the decommissioning works at krb-a. By this method a thin metal surface layer is removed due to a galvanic process in an electrolytic solution. Using the same principle, it is also possible to remove material locally (ECM-technique). Many advantages of this method indicate that it could be used for disassembling activated components during decommissioning of nuclear power plants. In order to investigate its applicability, experiments with non-active materials from a reactor pressure vessel are carried out. In the research programme it will be established: - which cathodes are most suitable for high cutting velocities. - which amount of sludge (waste) is produced in the electrolyte. The work in this contract will assess whether electrochemical cutting of activated parts of the krb-a reactor pressure vessel is a technically useful, low-cost and low radioactive dose procedure. The experiments are carried out in an existing test facility of aeg-elotherm in Remscheid. General information: b.1. Modification of an existing test facility for the testing of static and dynamic cathodes. B.2. Implementation of parametric studies and of the main test programme on various non-active representative steel plates. B.3. Evaluation of the obtained results and elaboration of recommendations for a possible application to radioactive components. Achievements: electrochemical decontamination plays an important role in routine close-down procedures. This is done in an electrolyte solution passing a constant current and gradually clearing the metal surface. The same basic principle is used in the electrochemical metal treatment (ECM) technique. In this case, a specific cathode is used. This method has numerous advantages and can be used for separating active steel in nuclear reactor decommissioning. The areas which have been investigated are: which treatment method, using which cathode will give a high rate of clearance; how much sludge will remain behind in the electrolyte.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Main ? Blech ? Kernkraftwerksentsorgung ? Schlammbehandlung ? Abfallbehandlung ? Elektrochemie ? Elektrolyt ? Industrieschlamm ? Radioaktiver Abfall ? Pflanzensamen ? Contracting ? Abfallbehandlungsanlage ? Arbeitsbedingungen ? Elektrolyse ? Kernkraftwerk ? Kernreaktor ? Verfahrensparameter ? Metall ? Stahl ? Galvanik ? Anwendungstechnik ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Radioaktive Kontamination ? Abfallaufkommen ? Reinigungsleistung ? Dekontamination ? Dosis ? Studie ? Trennverfahren ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Vergleichsanalyse ? Vertrag ? Wirtschaftlichkeit ? Oberflächenbehandlung ? Rückbau ? Elektrochemisches Verfahren ? Stilllegung kerntechnischer Anlagen ? Reaktordruckbehälter ? Aufbereitungstechnik ? Metallverarbeitung ? Stilllegung ? Versuchsanlage ? Forschungsprogramm ? Handlungsorientierung ? Schlammbildung ? Kathode ? Remscheid ? Elektrode ?
Region: Bayern
Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1984-10-01 - 1986-06-30
Accessed 1 times.