Description: Das Projekt "System zur Uebewachung der Vulkantaetigkeit auf Teneriffa (Kanarische Inseln) - Umsetzung eines geophysikalischen Radon-Detektor-Systems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam durchgeführt. Objective: Problems to be solved (while also addressing the relevant EU policies): Project TeRn will develop a specific 'Natural hazards rese arch facility' enabling 'availability of and access to' new 'complex sets of data' related to an active volcano. The facility will serve as a 'network, database and modelling and testing for volcanoes'. Furthermore the project deals with 'encouraging the transnational use of existing facilities, which address critical needs in order to further improve their exploitation while avoiding unnecessary duplication'. The project targets to upgrade the facility beyond the duration of the project, and ultimately turn it over to a local entity to 'further improve their' long term 'exploitation while avoiding unnecessary duplication, and covering emerging priority needs'. The activities to be supported relate also to 'Increasing the compatibility and connection between scattered facilities in Europe' by developing a new 'monitoring/processing network with compatible stations, and establish electronic links'. The project addresses: 'A better understanding of processes, mechanisms and events generating natural hazards, to develop technologies and methods for seismic and volcanic risk forecasting, evaluation and mitigation', while providing 'support to improved decision-making systems, including evaluation and validation tools for assessing hazards for emergency management'. Specifically the project addresses the Activity concerning Volcanic Hazards, especially by 'Integration of data from multi-sensor permanent surveillance networks'. The results of TeRn have important consequences on similar application of such geochemical-geophysical monitoring in 'seismic risks' as it is concerned with 'development of technologies and models to observe, analyze and monitor earthquake related phenomena' using large-scale radon variations and other gases. Project TeRn will also advance and promote 'exchange of data and common use of existing test sites' - as Teide volcano and the Dead Sea Rift, and joint 'development of innovative methods and technologies' which will help 'to combat disasters and alleviate their consequences'. Scientific objectives and approach: Set up a 3D monitoring array in the active volcanic system of Tenerife. The surface extent of the array will be in the order of 50 km2 and the vertical dimension will approach 3 km. Include and integrate complementary geochemical, geo-isotopic, geophysical and environmental investigations and monitoring. Develop the geophysical and geochemical data processing procedures for such a 3D array. Perform test monitoring and study the radon flux as a tool for volcanic risk mitigation that would complement other multi-parameter monitoring networks. Prime Contractor: Geologica survey of Israel; Jerusalem.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Potsdam ? Kanarische Inseln ? Messgerät ? Messstation ? Radon ? Jerusalem ? Sensor ? Israel ? Vulkanismus ? Europäische Union ? Energieeinsparung ? Gefahrenabwehr ? Geophysik ? Monitoring ? Risikoanalyse ? Netz ? Teneriffa ? scientific research ?
Region: Brandenburg
Bounding boxes: 13.01582° .. 13.01582° x 52.45905° .. 52.45905°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2000-06-23 - 2003-06-22
Accessed 1 times.