Description: Das Projekt "Trees in multi-Use Landscapes in Southeast Asia (TUL-SEA): A Negotiation Support Toolbox for Integrated Natural Resource Management" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Tropische Agrarwissenschaften (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institut), Fachgebiet Pflanzenbau in den Tropen und Subtropen (490e) durchgeführt. Trees use water while storing carbon; tree crops replace natural forest while reducing poverty; market-oriented monocultures compete with risk-averse poly-cultures, trading off income and risk; plantations displace smallholders, trading off local rights and income opportunities; national reforestation programs use public resources, promising an increase in environmental services that may not happen. Trees in all these examples are closely linked to tradeoffs and conflict, exaggerated expectations and strong disappointment. Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) requires site-specific understanding of tradeoffs between and among the goods and services that trees in agro-ecosystems can provide. It is thus costly when compared to readily scalable green revolution technologies. Replicable, cost-effective approaches are needed in the hands of local professionals with interdisciplinary skills to help stakeholders sort out positive and negative effects of trees in multi-use landscapes ( agroforestry) on livelihoods, water and (agro) biodiversity, associated rights and rewards, and thus on Millenium Development Goals (reducing poverty - promoting equitable forms of globalisation - building peace). ICRAF in SE Asia has developed a negotiation support approach for reducing conflict in multi-use landscapes. The approach aims to bridge perception gaps between stakeholders (with their local, public/policy and scientific knowledge paradigms), increase recognition and respect for these multiple knowledge systems, provide quantification of tradeoffs between economic and environmental impacts at landscape scale, and allow for joint analysis of plausible scenarios. Building on the achievements of participatory rural appraisal, we can now add quantitative strengths with the toolbox for tradeoff analysis. The TUL-SEA project (NARS, ICRAF and Hohenheim) will in 3 years lead to: Tests of cost-effectiveness of appraisal tools for tradeoff analysis in a wide range of agroforestry contexts in SE Asia represented by 15 INRM case studies; building on ASB (Alternatives to Slash and Burn; benchmark areas with significant positive local impacts on poverty, environment and peace (; Enhanced national capacity in trade-off analysis, information-based INRM negotiations and ex ante impact assessments; An integrated toolbox ready for widespread application. The toolbox consists of instruments for rapid appraisal of landscape, tenure conflict, market, hydrology, agrobiodiversity and carbon stocks, and simulation models for scenario analysis of landscape-level impacts of changes in market access or agroforestry technology.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Gemeingebrauch ? Blei ? Baum ? Baumfällung ? Kohlenstoff ? Lösungsmittel ? Umweltauswirkung ? Brücke ? Wiederaufforstung ? Gelöster organischer Kohlenstoff ? Gebäude ? On-Site-Verfahren ? Pflanzenproduktion ? Szenario ? Verbrennung ? Agrarökosystem ? Landschaftswandel ? Agrarwissenschaften ? Globalisierung ? Ostasien ? Südostasien ? Vorderasien ? Wirkung ? Aufforstung ? Simulation ? Systemanalyse ? Gerätesicherheit ? Technik ? Tropengebiet ? Bewässerung ? Handelsgewerbe ? Wassernutzung ? Interessenvertreter ? Wirkungsanalyse ? Bodenbelastung ? Brandrodung ? Wasser ? Verbreitungsgebiet ? Dienstleistungssektor ? Rechtsordnung ? Agroforstwirtschaft ? Modellierung ? Wirkung ? Landschaftsmodell ? Baugebiet ? Management ? Bodenlandschaft ? Asien ? Monokultur ? Naturwald ? Fallstudie ? Artenvielfalt ? Plantage ? Agrarbiodiversität ? Kohlenstoffmarkt ? Kosteneffizienz ? Benchmarking ? Wirkungsmodell ? Einkommen ? Natürliche Ressourcen ? Ressource ? Risiko ? Armut ? Umwelt ? Bedarf ? Landschaft ? Landschaftsanalyse ? Kosten ? Markt ? Grüne Revolution ? Biodiversität ? Hydrologie ? Lagerung ? Ökosystem ? Rechte ? Beteiligung ? Ressourcenbewirtschaftung ? Risiken, Sicherheit ? Projekt ? wissenschaftlich ? Programmierung ? Beispiel ? Einsatz ? Sortenreiner Abfall ? Formblätter ? Güter und Dienstleistungen ? Hilf ? Vermehrung ? ökonomisch ? Kohlebasis ? alternativ ? ausgestorben ? Konflikt ? fördern ? national ? satellitenbasiert ? sortenrein ? Bezug ? spezifisch ? Kulturtechnik ? Lebensgrundlage ? stark ? vergleichen ? Annäherung ? Bewerbung ? Leistungsfähigkeit ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2007-10-01 - 2010-09-30
Accessed 1 times.