Description: Das Projekt "Climate indicators on the local scale for past, present and future and platform data management" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Philipps-Universität Marburg, Fachgebiet Klimageographie und Umweltmodellierung durchgeführt. Predicting future climate change is in itself already difficult, especially in such complex ecosystems as the Andean mountain rain and dry forest as well as the Paramo. The common tools to simulate global climate change are global circulation models (GCM). Because of their coarse resolution they are not able to capture atmospheric processes affecting the local climate. For this reason a dynamical downscaling approach will be used to develop a highly resolved spatial and temporal Climatic Indicator System (hrCIS) to derive ecologically relevant climate change indicators affecting the ecosystems of South Ecuador. A local-limited area model (LAM) will be used to (i) generate a highly resolved gridded climatology for present day (hrCISpr) based on reanalysis data and (ii) to generate a highly resolved gridded climatology for projected future (hrCISpf) based on the new Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenario data. The output of the LAM for present day will be validated with in-situ measurement data and satellite-derived products to ensure the accuracy of the model for the simulations of the projected future. On the basis of statistical analysis of both climatologies changes in climate indicators such as air temperature and precipitation regime will be described. The proper storage, curation and accessibility of environmental data is of crucial importance for global change research particularly for monitoring purposes. This proposal will offer an adequate data management system for the Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Monitoring and Research. This will be archived by extending the web-based information management system FOR816DW (a data warehouse for collaborative ecological research units) with features like automatic upload interfaces, a workbench for integrative analysis and an user defined alert system, which will facilitate environmental monitoring for scientist as well as stakeholders. Beside the development of these innovations a main objective is the transfer of knowledge and information (know how, source code, and collection data) to our partners in Ecuador. For this, and to bring together the existing data sources, we cooperate with university and non-university parties in the joint establishment of a Data access platform for environmental data of the region. This will include considerations on long-term accessibility, which is envisaged by a data transfer to the planned German national data infrastructure GFBio.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Main ? Marburg ? Pflanzenökologie ? Klimatologie ? Ökologie ? Ecuador ? Umweltdaten ? Lufttemperatur ? Regenwasser ? Ökologische Bestandsaufnahme ? Satellit ? Szenario ? Waldökosystem ? Ackerrandstreifen ? Umweltmonitoring ? Luft ? Globale Erwärmung ? Globales Klimamodell ? In-situ-Daten ? Management ? Ökosystemfunktion ? Berg ? Daten ? Emission ? Geographie ? Globalmodell ? Innovation ? Interessenvertreter ? Mesoklima ? Messdaten ? Monitoring ? Alpines Ökosystem ? Regen ? Systemanalyse ? Umweltinformation ? Zirkulationsmodell ? Ökosystemforschung ? Datenmodell ? Globale Veränderung ? Datenmanagement ? Globales Klimaszenario ? Ökosystem ? Indikator ? Datenerhebung ? Forschung ? Niederschlag ? Produkt ? Bauelement ? Informationsgewinnung ? Infrastruktur ? Zirkulation ? Gebiet ? Gebirge ? Globale Aspekte ? Informationsmanagement ? Klima ? Biodiversität ? Atmosphärischer Prozess ? Klimawandel ? Klimabeeinflussung ? Klimadaten ? Lagerung ? PFAD ? Benutzeroberfläche ? BEWERTEN ? ZWECKBESTIMMUNG ? Konzentrat ? WARNUNG ? Kreuzung [biologisch] ? NATIONAL ? GEMISCHT ? BESTEHEND ? ZUGANG ? ORTSAUFGELOEST ? GEPLANT ? DAUER ? GITTERNETZ ? VORSCHLAEGE ? PRAEZIPITATION ? PROJEKT ? EINGESCHRAENKT ? SCHNITTSTELLE ? Integriertes Monitoring ? Bahnsteig ? GEGENWART ? SUEDLICH ? VORSCHLAG ? VERSCHIEBUNG ?
Region: Hessen
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 50.55° .. 50.55°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2010-01-01 - 2013-12-31
Webseite zum Förderprojekt (Webseite)Accessed 1 times.