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Reducing the conflict between cormorants and fisheries on a pan-European scale (REDCAFE)

Description: Das Projekt "Reducing the conflict between cormorants and fisheries on a pan-European scale (REDCAFE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Institut für Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft durchgeführt. The purpose of the REDCAFE project is to synthesise current Cormorant/fisheries information and to identify and evaluate methods of reducing the current Europe-wide conflict between conservationists and fisheries interests. It will bring together stakeholders (commercial/recreational fisheries and bird conservation organisations, fisheries scientists and avian ecologists from over twenty countries) to discuss and report these issues in a rigorous, co-ordinated and equitable manner. Available information on Cormorant conflicts with fisheries and on those aspects of Cormorant ecology leading to such conflicts, will be synthesised. Potential management tools will be identified and evaluated (including efficacy and cost-effectiveness) and a Multiple Criteria Decision Model will be developed and applied to a specific conflict case study. Full information will be disseminated at the local, national and European level.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Kormoran ? Wien ? Ökologie ? Wildhege ? Zoologie ? Blei ? Vogelschutz ? Kosteneffizienz ? Fallstudie ? Interessenvertreter ? Management ? Wirkungsgrad ? Ökosystemforschung ? Europa ? Fischerei ? Interessenkonflikt ? Körperschaft ? Kosten ? Potenzial ? verfügbar ? Entscheidungsmodell ? Ökologie der Tiere ? Fischfresser ? Konflikt ? Konfliktbewältigung ? Kriterium ? Kulturtechnik ? Land ? Länder ? Methode ? Projekt ? Umweltschützer ? Werkzeug ? Wirksamkeit ? Zins ? Zweckbestimmung ? angewandt ? ausgewählt ? national ? spezifisch ? Aspekt ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2001-01-01 - 2003-01-31



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