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Solarenergie-Haus Ebersberg mit passivem und aktivem Solarsystem

Description: Das Projekt "Solarenergie-Haus Ebersberg mit passivem und aktivem Solarsystem" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bauherrengemeinschaft Sonnenhaus Ebersberg durchgeführt. Objective: Aim of the project is to demonstrate that by using various passive and active solar systems the energy consumption of a multifamily building can be reduced by 60 per cent compared with a well insulated building, or by 80 per cent compared with a conventionally insulated building. General Information: The multiflat building is located on the Southwest area of greater Munic, Baveria. The basic design dates from 1975. Six housing units are grouped together with a communal patio. On the North facing sides the garages form am additional thermal buffer, three offices are also included in the Northern part of the building. The total volume of the building is 7600 m3 with a heated are of 1200 m2. The specific energy demand at an ambient of - 14 deg. C is 30 W/m2. To achieve a reduction of the energy demand of a similar built house by 60 per cent numerous technics are used; active, passive photovoltaic, heat recovery, mouvable blinds, and an absorption heat pump. The following passive systems are used: - totally glazed South side (320 m2, 112 000 kWh/y) - trombe wall (40 m2, 12000 KWh/y) - winter gardens (90 m2, 18000 kWh/y) - insulating roll shutters of synthetic material (320 m2, 64000 kWh/y) - horizontally mouvable shutters (40 m2, 10000 kWh/y). Active systems are: - air solar collectors (140 m2, 35000 kWh/y) - water solar collectors (80 m2, 40000 kWh/y) - exhaust air heat exchanger (39000 kWh/y) - photovoltaic solar generator (1kW) - absorption heat pump (40 kW; 100000 kWh/y). The building is equipped with a decentralised air-circulation heating system. An emergency power system is installed, coupled with the photovoltaic generator which will, in the case of black-outs of the public grid, automatically supply the Mai pumps and fans with electricity and also the main appliances in the dewellings. During normal operation one office is supplied with electricity independently from the grid. Achievements: The multiple use of solar energy proved to be more complicated. The owners of the different houses are involved in law cases, unfortunately. The monitoring is not performed as originally planned, but started in July 86 finally. No results were submitted until December 1987.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Kunststoff ? Bayern ? Stromnetz ? Mehrfamilienhaus ? Wärmeschutzverglasung ? Photovoltaikanlage ? Bürogebäude ? Solarkollektor ? Solarenergie ? Solarhaus ? Solarzelle ? Thermodynamik ? Wärmedämmung ? Wärmerückgewinnung ? Niedrigenergiehaus ? Solaranlage ? Abwärmenutzung ? Stromversorgung ? Stromsystem ? Gebäude ? Luftbewegung ? Solartechnik ? Wärmeübertrager ? Wärmeerzeugung ? Wärmepumpe ? Winter ? Abluft ? Absorption ? Alternative Energie ? Stromerzeugung ? Spezifischer Energieeinsatz ? Vergleichsanalyse ? Energiebedarf ? Energieverbrauch ? Garten ? Wasser ? Energieeinsparung ? Energietechnik ? Baugebiet ? Monitoring ? Pumpe ? Wohnen ? Zirkulation ? Heizung ? Umweltfreundliche Technologie ? Produktdesign ? Aktives Solarsystem ? Passives Solarsystem ? Pufferkapazität ?

Region: Bayern

Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1983-08-11 - 1987-10-11



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Accessed 1 times.