Description: Das Projekt "Ersatz eines Kalkbrenners mit zentralem Brennofen durch ein drei Ringe umfassendes Verteilersystem fuer die Brennstoff- und Luftzufuhr" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Sauerländische Kalkindustrie GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: Using a new type of method for the peripheral heating of shaft furnaces, the energy consumption of a lime shaft furnace is to be significantly reduced. At the same time, an attempt will be made to increase the furnace throughput capacity with this method and to extend the range of products to cover better lime qualities. On achieving the target values, an annual energy saving of about 900 TOE is to be expected for the planned type of furnace. General Information: In 1979 a lime shaft furnace was equipped with a new type of fuel ring distributor system and tested. Thereby the ring distributor system replaces conventional heating via a central lance. The first promising tests were performed with a 2-level ring distributor system. Within the scope of this project, the ring distributor system is to be extended to 3 levels, in order to further reduce the fuel consumption and to permit greater variation of the burning degree of the lime between soft burning and hard burning. The ring distributor systems are installed in the brick-work of the furnace at a given height. They consist of several segments. The gas and air supply to each segment can be separately controlled to permit optimum adaption of the thermal output to the shaft cross section. Uniform distribution of air and gas is of particular importance to achieve uniform burning quality, whereby the CO2 content of the burnt lime determines the quality of the lime. Following the reconstruction of the shaft furnace to the 3-level ring distributor system, its performance is to be demonstrated in the course of an extensive test programme. Achievements: The multi level ring distributor system has been taken out of order ever since 1983 and has been replaced by a specially designed central burner system, for which a patent was granted in 1988. The project mentioned above is therefore unsuccessfully completed and non further information is available.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Calciumoxid ? Ziegelei ? Kalk ? Ziegel ? Kalkindustrie ? Baustoff ? Brennstoff ? Gasversorgung ? Kraftstoffverbrauch ? Pflanzensamen ? Anlagenoptimierung ? Brand ? Verbrennungstechnik ? Kalkung ? Kohlendioxid ? Patent ? Schachtofen ? Verbrennung ? Verfahrensoptimierung ? Energieeinsparung ? Energieverbrauch ? Brennofen ? Produktionstechnik ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Wirkungsgrad ? Heizung ? Anlagenbau ? Ofen ? Brenner ? Zielwert ? Brennprozess ? Brennraum ? Dreiring-Brennstoff- und Luftzufuhr-Verteilersystem ? Anlagenbemessung ? Innovationseffekt ? Kalkbrennofenzentralbrenner ?
Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1983-06-01 - 1984-12-03
Accessed 1 times.