Description: Das Projekt "Science and Technology for the Mata Atlantica - Bodenbiota und Biogeochemie in Küstenregenwäldern Südbrasiliens - Evaluierung von Diversität und Bodenfunktion unter anthropogenem Einfluß (Mata Atlantica, Parana)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe durchgeführt. Due to the ambitious aims of the study two subprojects were defined I. The role of the soil biota in decomposition and nutrient cycling in Restinga and Serra do Mar Coastal Rainforests in Paraná, Brazil with the objectives. To continue the work of the Brazilian partner: monitoring of physical and chemical soil variables in three successional stages of Restinga forest in the area 'Floresta do Palmito' (near Paranaguá, PR) and the characterization of the nutritional conditions and dynamics of these forest sites. To complement these investigations by a biotic characterization (litter fall, litter layer, soil fauna and microbial biomass) and to analyse the functional links between these ecosystem compartments by an experimental study of the decomposition processes with litterbags. To expand the approach by inclusion of a comparison of biogeochemical dynamics among different forest formations of the Mata Atlantica. For this purpose study sites in the 'Reserva Natural do Cachoeira' (near Antonina, PR) covering a similar successional gradient were included in the study design and II. Diversity of soil biota under anthropogenic influence in rainforests of the Serra do Mar (Parana, Brazil) with the objectives. To sample, describe and analyse the diversity of selected soil fauna taxa (Formicidae, Coleoptera, Araneae, Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae, Enchytraeidae, Naididae, Tubificidae) and the metabolic diversity of microflora in primary and secondary forests under different soil conditions in different regeneration phases. To determine the diversity status of the different age and regeneration phases and the performance of important ecosystem functions like decomposition and nutrient cycling. To evaluate on the resistence and resilience of soil biota to anthropogenic disturbance under contrasting edaphic conditions and to recognize diversity increasing variables. To evaluate the importance of secondary habitats for the conservation and regeneration of the biodiversity in the Mata Atlantica region through a comparison with primary forests. To evaluate the applicability of a 'regionally differentiated BBSK' approach (Soil Biological Site Classification) in order to assess soil quality, especially the habitat function of the soil. 2. Preliminary Results of the Research. 2.1 Achieved targets. In subproject I the regular sampling of chemical and physical variables (see methodology) for a long-term monitoring is nearly finished (90 per cent) as well as the phytosociological characterization of the study sites. More than 60 per cent of the planned samples/measures for soil humidity, fine-root development, litterfall and litter stock and microbial respiration were obtained. The soil macrofauna (Arthropoda) and the earthworms and microdrilid worms have been sampled in February/March and April 2004 (respectively). The litterbag experiment is still running, three of five retrievals were made. ...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Käfer ? Spinne ? Karlsruhe ? Oligochäten ? Worms ? Biopharmazeutikum ? Arthropoden ? Bodennährstoff ? Substrat ? Waldschaden ? Biogeochemie ? Bodenbiologie ? Mikrobiologie ? Brasilien ? Biochemische Untersuchung ? Bodenmikroorganismen ? Habitat ? Naturwald ? Regenwald ? Bodenfauna ? Bodenfunktion ? Waldschutz ? Mikroorganismen ? Küstenregion ? Biologische Aktivität ? Biologische Untersuchung ? Bodenorganismen ? Bodenprobe ? Atmung ? Regeneration ? Anthropogener Einfluss ? Wald ? Probenahme ? Fauna ? Flora ? Diversität ? Parana ? Aktivitätsmessung ? Streubeutelexperimente ? Mata-Atlantica ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2002-10-01 - 2006-07-31
Webseite zum Förderprojekt (Webseite)Accessed 1 times.