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Semi-Distributed watershed runoff modelling in GIS: Applied to the Hare river in the Abaya-Chamo Sub-Basin in Ethiopia

Description: Das Projekt "Semi-Distributed watershed runoff modelling in GIS: Applied to the Hare river in the Abaya-Chamo Sub-Basin in Ethiopia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik durchgeführt. Introduction: Ethiopia, with a geographical area of about 113 million km2, has been affected frequently by severe droughts (prolonged dry-spells) in the last four decades. This is because the large part of the country lies in arid and semi-arid climate. Official studies show that about 60% of the area is potentially cultivable, with only 15% currently utilized. Moreover, the country has more than 3.5 million hectares of potential irrigable land with less than 3% presently utilized. The country has also about 120 × 109 m3 annual surface water resources potential and in the order of 2.6 × 109 m3 annual groundwater resources potential. But the spatial and temporal variation of the water resources is erratic. The highly rugged mountainous topography also aggravates this problem. The country is also divided into 12 drainage basins, 6 of which comprise trans-boundary major rivers (such as the Blue Nile, the Barro-Akobo, the Tekeze that contribute greater than 86% of the Nile River flow at Aswan). For which most water resources development projects in Ethiopia need to be implemented with storage (reservoir) facilities. These background conditions demand coordinated and sustainable efforts in every aspect. The contribution of applied research in providing useful scientific and technological tools is vital. Therefore, this Ph.D. research project will contribute its part in addressing such demanding situation in addition to aimed scientific contributions. Research Objectives: The primary objective of this research project is to develop a Semi-distributed Watershed Runoff Modeling (SWARM) in GIS (on daily time scale) suitable to watersheds with semi-arid and arid climates (like the Hare River), which can be used for management of water resources development projects (e.g. irrigation system management). Customization and modification of established watershed models suitable for semi-arid and arid climate will be given priority. The specific objectives (components) of this research project are the following: 1. SWARM model development compatible to ArcView GIS; 2. Evaluation of the various automatic methods of extracting stream network and watershed parameters from Digital Elevation Model (DEM); 3. Spatial modeling using dry-spell analysis for assessing the sustainability of rain-fed agriculture in watersheds. For which an improved dry-spell analysis to that of Abebe (2000) will be applied for the Hare River to evaluate the sustainability of rain-fed agriculture with or without supplementary irrigation; 4. Application of SWARM for irrigation system management, the Hare Irrigation Farm (' 1300ha) will be used as a case study. The technical, environmental and socioeconomic feasibility of the various alternative sources of irrigation water and their synchronization with the existing river water supply will also be studied. (abridged text)


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Hase ? Dresden ? Fluss ? Talsperre ? Äthiopien ? Grundwasservorkommen ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Sozioökonomie ? Topographie ? Oberflächenwasser ? Arides Klima ? Bewässerung ? Bewässerungsfeldbau ? Entwicklungsmodell ? Geographie ? Hydromechanik ? Klimamodell ? Management ? Studie ? Versorgung ? Wasserbau ? Wasserspeicher ? Trockengebiet ? Modellierung ? Wasserwirtschaftliche Planung ? Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft ? Nachhaltigkeit ? Bedarf ? Anlage ? Änderung ? Wasserscheide ? Ressourcenbewirtschaftung ? Kenngröße ? Forschung ? Projektstudium ? Koordinate ? Werkzeug ?

Region: Sachsen

Bounding boxes: 10.40664° .. 10.40664° x 49.29433° .. 49.29433°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2001-04-01 - 2004-12-31



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Accessed 1 times.