Description: Das Projekt "Technology for treatment and recycling of the water used to wash olives" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ARGUS - Umweltbiotechnologie GmbH durchgeführt. The present project aims to create an affordable and compact system capable of recovering and recycling the majority of the drinkable water used in the washing of the olives. The proposed treatment for recycling the most part of the water will follow three basic steps: 1) Preliminary aerobic treatment: the treatment will be conveniently implemented before the ultrafiltration unit (or integrated with the ultrafiltration unit in the same apparatus), in order to reduce the content of the organic compounds. 2) Ultrafiltration: this stage purifies the waste stream from all of the suspended solids. A factor of volumetric concentration of 10 is foreseen; removal of 100percent of the suspended solids and colloids, of 33percent of COD, of 50percent of the fatty substances. Turbidity of the filtrated liquid smaller 1 NTU is also expected. 3) Reverse Osmosis: for the concentration of saline and organic components that were passed into the permeate in first stage and that are found in solution. The total treatment will allow for the procurement of: - Drinkable water, to be used again for the washing of olives in loco (more than 90percent of the residual is expected to be recycled); - A relatively small amount of a polluting solution (i.e. with high concentration of pollutants and with the characteristics of vegetation water), to be sent to disposal mixed with vegetation water. The UDOR project will be structured in 4 phases: 1) Identification of requirements and definition of specifications, determined by the end-users, by analysing the generic EU producers situation and by characterising samples from different production sites. 2) Laboratory work on the aerobic treatment, the ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis operations: the three principal steps will be studied in the lab to determine the process to be applied, the equipment to be used and the most favourable operative conditions to reach the foreseen specifications. 3) Design and development of the pilot plant: the pilot plant will be designed and developed on the basis of the results of lab tests performed. 4) Installation and Field tests: the plant will be installed in an oil mill, in order to be tested in site and to evaluate the results of the technology with regard to a real production streams. The UDOR system, if applied to all EU oil production sites, is projected to save about 4 billions of litres of drinkable water per year. The system would clearly have a significant impact in Europe, especially in Mediterranean countries. The significant advantages for oil producers will be: - Reduction of costs, by reducing the amount of water to be disposed and reducing the cost of disposal. - Compliance with new regulations in waste water treatment to be applied in agriculture.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Kabeljau ? Recycling ? Wasserwiederverwendung ? Aerobe Abwasserbehandlung ? Obstbau ? Schadstoffgehalt ? Vegetation ? Abwasserreinigung ? Aerobe Bedingungen ? Ölpflanze ? Pflanzensamen ? Schwebstoff ? Ultrafiltration ? Umkehrosmose ? Europäische Union ? Abwasserbehandlung ? Abwasserbehandlungsanlage ? Industrieabwasser ? Kolloid ? Landwirtschaftliches Abwasser ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Organische Verbindung ? Wasseraufbereitung ? Abfallart ? Agrarproduktion ? Organischer Schadstoff ? Kostensenkung ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Ölgewinnung ? Wassereinsparung ? Mühle ? Wasser ? Standortwahl ? Stoff ? Trinkwasser ? Europa ? REACH ? Versuchsanlage ? Landwirtschaft ? Aufbereitungstechnik ? Pilotprojekt ? Freilandversuch ? Rückstand ? Waschwasser ? Oliven ? Ölmühlen ?
Region: Berlin
Bounding boxes: 10.44987° .. 10.44987° x 54.03573° .. 54.03573°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2002-03-01 - 2004-02-29
Accessed 1 times.