Description: Das Projekt "Further development and operation of an automated large-scale radioactivity measurement facility for low-level decommissioning waste" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von NIS Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH durchgeführt. Objective: For the application of an existing mobile radioactivity measurement facility (RMF) for the decommissioning of WWER nuclear power plants (former GDR) new measuring and calibration procedures as well as new software, to simplify data evaluation, should be developed. In extended tests, the success of the RMF modifications will be demonstrated for a relatively large spectrum of radioactive wastes produced during operation or occurring during decommissioning of the 75 MW WWER of Rheinsberg. Investigations and trial measurements should indicate to what extent money could be saved, avoiding waste disposal by means of the RMF (classification of wastes). NIS Ingenieurgesellschaft will elaborate the facility requirements in cooperation with NIS Rheinsberg and KKW Rheinsberg. The project is a continuation of the research work performed under the previous CEC contract No. FI1D0062. General Information: Work programme: 1. Definition of the measuring conditions; 2. Registration of waste categories and amounts; 3. Specification of measuring parameters for calibration purposes; 4. Planning of the measuring campaign; 5. Development of the software package; 6. Execution of the measuring campaign; 7. Processing and evaluation of the measuring results; 8. Determination of specific data such as: costs, working time, job doses, waste amounts etc. Achievements: The nuclear power plant Rheinsberg (KKR) was closed down in 1990. Until that time there did not exist any procedures for the unrestricted release of materials out of the controlled area. The type of KKR wastes and its nuclide composition are different compared to Western light water reactors. For further development of an existing release measurement facility (RMF) different types of materials out of the controlled areas were measured with the RMF. The measuring of KKR in autumn 1992 lasted about 2 months. Afterwards 34 per cent of about 100 Mg measured material in total could be declared as releasable, but some types of wastes could be released up to 90 per cent. In 1996 the results of the measurements have been discussed with experts and licensing authorities again. Some of the conservative assumptions concerning the nuclide mixtures for the release measurements could be refuted and new clearence levels have been defined, so that nearly 90 per cent of all the material could be released as free. Since starting in1988, about 2500 mg of different materials have been measured by the RMF within 20 measuring campaigns in Germany. 88 per cent were released for direct use. The NIS concept of gross gamma measurements for release of materials was represented to experts and licensing authorities in other European countries.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Druckwasserreaktor ? Gammastrahlung ? Messgerät ? Gemeinschaft unabhängiger Staaten ? Abfallvermeidung ? Genehmigungsbehörde ? Kalibrierung ? Leichtwasserreaktor ? Radioaktiver Abfall ? Umweltbehörde ? Contracting ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Kerntechnische Anlage ? Erlaubnis ? Abfallentsorgung ? Abfalltrennung ? Industrieabfall ? Kernkraftwerk ? Radioaktivitätsmessung ? Kostenrechnung ? Messprogramm ? Messtechnik ? Software ? Strahlenexposition ? Strahlendosis ? Strahlungsmessung ? Verfahrensparameter ? Abfalldaten ? Abfall ? Abfallanalyse ? Abfallart ? Messdaten ? Abfallzusammensetzung ? Messverfahren ? Automatisierung ? Statistische Analyse ? Daten ? Vertrag ? Recyclingfähigkeit ? Rückbau ? Datenverarbeitung ? Dosis ? Abfallaufkommen ? Stilllegung kerntechnischer Anlagen ? Planung ? Verpackung ? Zusammenarbeit ? Freisetzung ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Stilllegung ? Stofftrennung ? Klassifikation ? Kenngröße ? Mehrfachnutzung ? Radioaktivität ? Fallbeispiel ? Unternehmenskooperation ? Auswertungsverfahren ? Lagerungsbedingung ?
Region: Hessen
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 50.55° .. 50.55°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1991-11-01 - 1992-12-01
Accessed 1 times.