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MW 1.5 demonstration wind turibne Aachen/Heerlen

Description: Das Projekt "MW 1.5 demonstration wind turibne Aachen/Heerlen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Aachener Straßenbahn und Energieversorgungs-AG durchgeführt. Objective: Demonstration of large-scale 1.5 MW wind turbine with innovative design at an inland site. - Acquisition of operational experience with 1.5 MW-class wind turbine in a complex wind regime, including mechanical and electrical performance, grid compliance and availability. - Start-up of multiple ownership EuroWindPark, consisting of 8-9 turbines of 1.5 MW each, as vital part of the energy concept for the new Dutch-German industrial area Aachen/Heerlen. The wind park will supply an estimated electrical output of 22 GWh/a, thus making a major contribution to the energy supply of the industrial area. (Planning, modelling and partly realization of this concept are subject of project 'Future Energies Aachen/Heerlen', which is supported by the E.C. DG XVII ALTENER-program.). General Information: - Large, new generation wind turbine (hub height 68 m, rotor diameter 66 m, generator rating 1.5 MVA) of the gearless variable-speed design, feeding into the grid via self commutating pulse-width modulated inverter. - The planned turbine site is in close vicinity of the Dutch/German border, to the northwest of the city of Aachen, near the Dutch village of Simpelveld/Bocholtz. Comprehensive wind energy studies have been performed in the Aachen area since 1990; the proposed location is a very promising wind energy site. The average wind speed at hub height (68 m a. g. I.) is 6.2 m/s; distance to the closest residence is 700 m. A turbine sound level of 103 dB is expected. - The turbine will be operated by the local utility company and is therefore not eligible for national German subsidies Innovative aspects of the proposed turbine: - Very large rotor blades (31 m) with full pitch control - Direct-drive concept (no gearbox) scaled up to the MW class - Low maximum rotational speed of 19 rpm to reduce aerodynamic noise - Size, design and rated output power of ring-shaped multipole generator - Inverter (Technology and rating of pulse-width modulated inverter) - Plant control and management unit - Strategies of operation, eg constant power operation of a large turbine - Attractive, pleasant architectural design of the turbine nacelle (Sir Norman Foster) Innovative aspects of the monitoring phase: - P-v-curve analysis of a new large turbine in complex terrain - Analysis of wind speed profile in complex terrain - Grid integration analysis of a large turbine with power regulation. Prime Contractor: Aseag Energie GmbH; Aachen; Germany.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Aachen ? Windgeschwindigkeit ? Stromnetz ? Aerodynamik ? Lärmminderung ? Pech ? Windenergie ? Windkraftanlage ? Wind ? Aerodynamisches Geräusch ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Niederlande ? Schalldruckpegel ? Abfallverbrennungsanlage ? Straßenbahn ? Stromerzeugung ? Energieversorgung ? Windpark ? Industriegebiet ? Innenstadt ? Triebwerk ? Netzintegration ? Kraftwerkstechnik ? Lärmbelastung ? Alternativtechnologie ? Monitoring ? Neuanlage ? Bautechnik ? Studie ? Subvention ? Energie ? Energietechnik ? Stadt ? Modellierung ? Energiekonzept ? Erneuerbare Ressource ? Innovation ? Internationale Zusammenarbeit ? Rotor ? Urbaner Raum ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Turbomaschine ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1997-01-01 - 1999-04-01



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Accessed 1 times.