Description: Das Projekt "Strategy and methodology for improved IWRM - An Integrated Interdisclipinary Assessment in Four Twinning River Basins in Europe and Asia (STRIVER)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bonn, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung durchgeführt. The point of departure for STRIVER is the lack of clear methodologies and problems in operationalisation of IWRM as pointed out by both the scientific and management communities. STRIVER will develop interdisciplinary methods to assess and implement IWRM. Based on the development of a multidisciplinary knowledge base assessment in all case studies (policy, social and natural sciences) and an early stage development of IWRM conceptual framework, the project will undertake IWRM in the four selected twinned catchments covering six countries in Europe and Asia. Twinning activities based on a problem-based approach will be performed in four case river basins: - Tunga Bahdra (2 states in India), - Sesan (Vietnam/Cambodia), - Glomma (Norway), - Tejo/Tagus (Spain/Portugal) Under the IWRM framework, the problems to be covered are (i) water regimes in transboundary regulated rivers, (ii) environmental flow, (iii) land and water use interaction, and (iv) pollution. The research will use sub-basins of each river basin in all cases to allow more detailed studies and easier integration of all stakeholders, for transferability purposes.STRIVER will contribute towards improved interdisciplinary IWRM, based on the coupling and balancing of ecological, social-economic and policy variables in all the four case-basins by twinning activities. To that end, the project will: - develop guidelines for interdisciplinary methods to assess and implement IWRM, - assess the transferability of case study results, - enhance the dialogue between decision-makers, stakeholders and scientists, - disseminate data and information to stakeholders to promote participatory planning and integrated decision-making, taking adequate account of the rights of poor people and gender roles, ensure that project results will benefit all parties also after the end of the project. Prime Contractor: Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, Norway.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Bonn ? Oslo ? Lack ? Fluss ? Landesentwicklung ? Norwegen ? Portugal ? Vietnam ? Buchhaltung ? Entwicklungspolitik ? Leitfaden ? Sozioökonomie ? Bewässerung ? Bodenschutz ? Bodenwasserhaushalt ? Daten ? Fallstudie ? Geschlecht ? Einzugsgebiet ? Gewerbebetrieb ? Interessenvertreter ? Management ? Naturwissenschaft ? Studie ? Wassernutzung ? Flussgebiet ? Wasser ? Asien ? Europa ? Forschung ? Rechte ? Ökologisches Gleichgewicht ? Beteiligung ? Richtlinie ? Umwelt ? Planung ? Politik ? Abdeckung ? Soziale Sicherheit ? Verunreinigung ? Erschließung ? Strategische Aspekte ? Grenzüberschreitung ? Entscheidung ? Gemeinschaft ? Werkzeug ? Ableitung ? ausgewählt ? Methode ? bewerten ? gekoppelt ? unter ? wissenschaftlich ? Methodik ? Oder [Fluss] ? Projekt ? Kulturtechnik ? Bereich ? Annäherung ? Entscheidungsfindung ? Entwicklung ? Ergebnis ? Fluss [Bewegung] ? Land ? Länder ? Wechselwirkung ?
Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2006-07-01 - 2009-06-30
Accessed 1 times.