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Technical viability of a novel device for automated high-volume screening of teratogens based on simultaneous quantitative computer-assisted microscopical evaluation of clonal cell cycle progression and differentiation state

Description: Das Projekt "Technical viability of a novel device for automated high-volume screening of teratogens based on simultaneous quantitative computer-assisted microscopical evaluation of clonal cell cycle progression and differentiation state" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Institut für Lebensmitteltoxikologie und Chemische Analytik durchgeführt. The developmental toxicity studies required by the regulatory authorities for registration of new pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals require a large number of animals and considerable effort from skilled technical personnel. The cost of testing a single chemical substance are approximately 250kECU, a factor which severely limits the number of novel agents and process derived by-products which can be evaluated. As a consequence the large number of novel compounds produced in research laboratories and those intermediates of step-wise procedures in the chemical industry, will never be tested by these in vivo procedures. In vitro methods provide an alterative strategy for assessment of developmental toxicity however the most promising methods are time consuming, involve animal use and require skilled personnel. Development of a simple, reliable and rapid screening system is required to facilitate the pharmaceutical and agro-chemical industries in evaluating embryotoxic potential in the large number of existing substances and the new materials which are added to the list each year. EU Directive 86/609 dictates that animals must not be used for testing if a validated, non-animal test is available and the EU BIOTECH Programme has as a goal the development of such assays for the in-vitro detection of teratogens. Previously, members of this consortium have been contracted under the BIOTECH programme to identify in-vitro endpoints for the development of such tests (BIO2CT930471). As the most significant initial steps in the emergence of developmental toxicity is inhibition of cell division coupled with a premature differentiation, coincident evaluation of these endpoints was found to reliably discriminate known teratogens from non-teratogens in structurally related agents using single cells in-vitro. To determine change in differentiation state change in cell morphology was determined using an automated, computer assisted image analysis system which was developed specifically to allow unbiased estimations in large numbers of single cells. The aim of the present proposal is to modify this system in a manner which allows high volume, coincident analysis of proliferation rate and differentiation state; to develop a prototypic system with standard operating procedures; and to demonstrate the validity of the system for routine use in the public and industrial sectors. The proposal fits well with area 7.1.1 of the BIOTECH Work Programme and is within the remit of a Demonstration Project. Prime Contractor: National University of Ireland Dublin, Department of Pharmacology; Dublin; Eire/Ireland.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Hannover ? Computer ? Zellzyklus ? Gemeingebrauch ? Pharmazeutische Industrie ? Werkstoff ? Analytische Chemie ? Agrochemikalie ? Arzneimittel ? Aufsichtsbehörde ? Chemische Industrie ? Morphologie ? Brunnen ? Contracting ? Teratogener Stoff ? Irland ? Pharmakologie ? Versuchstier ? Wirkung ? Industrie ? Reproduktionstoxizität ? Chemikalien ? Bewertung ? Biotechnologie ? Chemisches Verfahren ? in vitro ? Nebenprodukt ? Staat ? Systemanalyse ? Tierversuch ? Vertrag ? Zelle ? Zwischenprodukt ? Tier ? Chemischer Altstoff ? Non-phase-in Stoff ? Vermeidung von Tierversuchen ? Norm ? Arbeit ? Gesundheit ? Landwirtschaft ? Produkt ? Richtlinie ? Laboruntersuchung ? Gebiet ? Kosten ? Neuartige Materialien ? Strategische Aspekte ? Chemischer Stoff ? GEKOPPELT ? INDUSTRIELL ? VORSCHLAG ? Zellteilung ? BEWERTEN ? Siebung ? BIOTECH 2 ? INITIATIVE ? DIFFERENZIERUNG ? Klon ? UNTER ? LAENDER ? UNTERSUCHUNG ? Life Sciences ? METHODE ? ABSCHAETZUNG ? Scientific Research ? EINGESCHRAENKT ? VERARBEITEN ? EINSATZ ? ENTWICKLUNG ? Muskelarbeit ? VERBINDUNG ? NACHWEIS ? POTENZIAL ? PROJEKT ? VERFUEGBAR ? ROUTINE ? VERWANDT ? GEGENWART ? VORSCHLAEGE ? STOFFE CHEMISCH ? BESTEHEND ? Mittel ?

Region: Niedersachsen

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1998-10-01 - 2000-09-30



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