Description: Das Projekt "Leichte Solarpanele aus amorphem Silizium" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Physikalische Elektronik durchgeführt. Objective: New process route for lightweight, unbreakable and economically feasible solar panels on the basis of amorphous silicon. Results: From a number of canditates enamel-coated steel sheet as substrate and an organic barrier as protective layer was chosen as an alternative to the dual glass panels. Criteria were vacuum compatibility, surface rougness and insulating properties. This concept requires that the production order of the thin film solar cell is reversed into back electrode, active stack, front transparent electrode. Inverted processes and low temperature processes were investigated in parallel. Protection against damage due to permeating water was reduced with an improved organic barrier coating. Also, less vulnerable back electrode materials were studied. Fluorine doped tin oxide, tin-doped indiumoxide and aluminium-doped zinc oxide were studied. However, the best and most economical results were optained with ITO. For monolithic integration mechanical masking and laser scribing were investigated. Mechanical masking failed due to the uneveness of the enamel surface. Laser scribing is possible due to the diminished power need with each consecutive layer. Some concepts for better light capture (texturing, optical coatings) were investigated. Based on the inverted process route small scale and full scale panels were manufactured and tested. Ultimately, the full scale failed due to the built-up of stress which caused delamination and could not sufficiently be reduced. The panel costs of the new route proved very similar to the existing product, but required an additional investment in vacuum deposition equipment. Surprisingly, ITO with recycling proved to be the most cost effective transparent electrode material.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Glas ? Stuttgart ? Recycling ? Dünnschichtsolarzelle ? Fluor ? Silikon ? Siliziumdioxid ? Zinkoxid ? Zinn ? Beleuchtung ? Elektronik ? Laser ? Oxid ? Silizium ? Anstrich ? Wasserschaden ? Bodendegradation ? Bodenwasser ? Moorboden ? Stress ? Temperatur ? Unterboden ? Immission ? Bewässerung ? Bodenart ? Bodenhorizont ? Bodenschutz ? Bodenuntersuchung ? Energie ? Gerätesicherheit ? Rechtsverfahren ? Deposition ? Gewässerschutz ? Wasser ? Stahl ? Bodenaufbau ? Arbeitsschutz ? Bebauung ? Gewebe ? Investition ? Produkt ? Planung ? Kompatibilität ? Strategische Aspekte ? Produktion ? Krustenbildung ? Oberfläche ? Schicht ? Schutz ? Schädigung ? Sicherungsanordnung ? Tourenplanung ? Verarbeiten ? Einbrennlackierung ? Email [Beschichtung] ? Ergebnis ? Wand ? Ausrüstung ? Elektrode ? alternativ ? Hindernis ? bestehend ? Kriterium ? kleinmaßstäblich ? organisch ? Buchgrundstück ? Herstellung ? Notwendigkeit ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2003-01-01 - 2005-06-30
Accessed 1 times.