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Mt. Cameroon - REDD+ Feasibility Study

Description: Das Projekt "Mt. Cameroon - REDD+ Feasibility Study" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility a REDD+ project aiming at a reduction / avoidance of the currently ongoing deforestation in the Mt. Cameroon area. The ecologically valuable region is under serious threat of deforestation, caused by local villagers through the establishment of cash crops, mainly for cocoa-plantations. Deforestation shall be avoided by the development and implementation of a REDD+ project. This project shall be inherently conected to the newly established Mt. Cameroon National Park. The REDD+ project shall finance both the administration of the National Park as well as compensation measures in the surrounding villages. This compensation measures shall not only ensure the interest of local population in the participation in the REDD+ project, it shall also cover the REDD+ projects need for leakage management activities ensuring that the project impact (in terms of carbon conservation) is not compensated by deforestation activities outside the park area. This shall ensure the REDD+ projects overall success. The study evaluated the threat of permanent deforestation in the Mt. Cameroon region, identified drivers of deforesation, screened appropriate mitigation strategies and developed a baseline scenario. In May 2009, GFA ENVEST visited the project site, investigated the legal project structure and discussed project setup with the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife and the Ministry for Environment and Nature Protection. As the national park was established in spring 2010, the REDD+ project development is envisaged to start in autumn 2010. Services provided: GFA ENVEST provides the following services: Assessment of carbon stocks of intact forests for the main forest strata; Assessment of carbon stocks of degraded forests sites (i.e. cocoa plantations) for the main forest strata; Evaluation of forest protection measures and related abatement costs; Assessment of leakage management and leakage monitoring options and related costs; Design of a monitoring system based on remote sensing. This system shall allow for the verification of the overall success of forest protection measures. Calculation of the projects emission reductions under the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) considering VCS security buffer approach for non-permanence; Assessment of carbon revenues and the overall financial feasibility of REDD+ measures; Evaluation of carbon rights ownership and an appropriate REDD+ project structure managing carbon funds and project costs.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Entwaldung ? REDD+ ? Kohlenstoff ? Ministerium ? Ökologie ? Brunnen ? Kamerun ? Entschädigung ? Gebäude ? Machbarkeitsstudie ? Nutzpflanze ? Szenario ? Konservierung ? Gelöster organischer Kohlenstoff ? Projektförderung ? Rechtsverfahren ? Schutzwald ? Bewertung ? Dorf ? Eigentum ? Emissionsminderung ? Kommunale Einrichtung ? Kostenanalyse ? Management ? Nationalpark ? Standortwahl ? Studie ? Vermeidungskosten ? Waldschutz ? Wirkung ? Wildlebende Tiere und Pflanzen ? Plantage ? Monitoring ? Norm ? Berechnung ? Bevölkerung ? Lagerung ? Leckage ? Nachhaltigkeit ? Dienstleistung ? Sicherheit ? Abdeckung ? Umwelt ? Bedarf ? Verwaltung ? Wald ? Planung ? Naturschutz ? Gebiet ? Kosten ? Maßnahme ? Fernerkundung ? Strategische Aspekte ? Finanzierung ? Forstwirtschaft ? Rechte ? Siebung ? FINANZIELL ? NATIONAL ? NEU ? PERMANENT ? PROJEKT ? Herbst ? Zins ? VERWANDT ? ENTWICKLUNG ? PARKBEREICH ? PUFFERUNG ? VERRINGERUNG ? UMLAND ? MITBESTIMMUNG ? DAUER ? BEWERTEN ? UNTER ? EMISSIONSREDUCTION ? VERLAGERUNG ? FREIWILLIG ?

Region: Hamburg

Bounding boxes: 9.99302° .. 9.99302° x 53.55073° .. 53.55073°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2008-03-01 - 2008-05-30



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Accessed 1 times.