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European rail research network of excellence (EUR2EX)

Description: Das Projekt "European rail research network of excellence (EUR2EX)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungs- und Anwendungsverbund Verkehrssystemtechnik Berlin durchgeführt. Objective: The strategic objectives of the European Rail Research Network of Excellence (EUR2EX) are: 1.To integrate the fragmented European Rail Research landscape by networking together the critical mass of resources and expertise to provide European leadership and be a world class player, 2.To promote the railway contribution to sustainable transport policy, 3.To improve the competitiveness and economic stability of the railway sector and industry by:creating a durable integrated network of excellence in rail resea rch, technology innovation and knowledge management from the research capacities of universities and institutions, implementing knowledge from rail operators, rail industry incl. SME, with priority given to engineering interfaces and methods for product qu alification in line with ERRAC's SRRA.EUR2EX will have as its foundation six regional/supra regional networks with 67 members and some 670 researchers. Each region has nominated a representative who will be a formal participant for the purpose of the EC co ntract and lean management structure. EUR2EX will encourage new networks to be formed where justified incl. a CEEC network.The members of the regional networks will provide the researchers and research projects that will be integrated and form the research base for new joint projects. UIC, UNIFE and UITP will be EUR2EX participants. They will not provide researchers for integration but their involvement and support are crucial to the success of EUR2EX.EUR2EX will have close links with selected companies tha t have specific knowledge but who may not be able to commit themselves to formal integration. These companies have been identified as associate members.The process of integration of excellence takes place on the basis of a JPA with integrating activities, jointly executed research while sharing research platforms, facilities and activities for spreading excellence to be transferred into a durable integration based on a profound business case.'


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Fossiler Brennstoff ? Berlin ? Nachhaltige Verkehrspolitik ? Meteorologie ? Resistenz ? Technologietransfer ? Europäische Gemeinschaften ? Industrie ? Gebäude ? Forschungsprojekt ? Abfallwirtschaft ? Eisenbahn ? Energieeinsparung ? Energiespeicher ? Innovation ? Politik ? Technik ? Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ? Energietransport ? Fischerei ? Umweltschutz ? Forschung ? Soziale Aspekte ? Gutachten ? Körperschaft ? Produkt ? Ressource ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Wirtschaftszweig ? Landschaft ? Verkehr ? Anlage ? Gebiet ? PROJEKT ? SPEZIFISCH ? Scientific Research ? VERARBEITEN ? PRODUZENT ? Werkzeug ? Basen [chemisch] ? INGENIEURWESEN ? ZWECKBESTIMMUNG ? DAUERHAFT ? LEISTUNGSFAEHIGKEIT ? REGIONAL ? FOERDERN ? Renewable Sources of Energy ? Bahnsteig ? METHODE ? AUSGEWAEHLT ? NEU ? OEKONOMISCH ? BEITRAG ? STILLGELEGT ? Other Energy Topics ? FORMBLAETTER ? FP6-SUSTDEV ? GRUNDLAGE ? Resources of the Sea ? SCHNITTSTELLE ?

Region: Berlin

Bounding boxes: 10.44987° .. 10.44987° x 54.03573° .. 54.03573°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2004-01-01 - 2008-03-31



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Accessed 1 times.