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Lake System Response of Nam Co area, Central Tibet, to Late Quaternary Monsoon Dynamics: Interaction of Littoral, Fluvial and Slope Processes

Description: Das Projekt "Lake System Response of Nam Co area, Central Tibet, to Late Quaternary Monsoon Dynamics: Interaction of Littoral, Fluvial and Slope Processes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Berlin, Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften, Fachrichtung 2 Physische Geographie durchgeführt. Nam Co Lake covers a surface area of c. 1,870 km2. lt is located at 4,722 m a.s.l. and its drainage basin covers an area of approx. 15,000 km2. Various beach ridge generations along the Nam Co shoreline record former lake level high stands, for the beach ridges are found 20 m above the most recent lake level. Lehmkuhl et al. (2002) state an age of 20 ka BP. Satellite images show that additional, lower-lying beach ridges attest to young Quatemary retreating and oscillating lake levels. These young Quatemary beach ridges are deposited an top of older alluvial fans. Reactivation of channels after lake retreat resulted in the dissection of beach ridges and older fluvial deposits, which were superposed by younger fluvial and colluvial deposits. Locally also eolian deposits interfinger with littoral and fluvial deposits (Lehmkuhl et al. 2002), and especially in the eastern part of Nam Co extensive loess covers can also be identified. In the Nam Co drainage basin temporary storage systems such as fans, colluvial deposits, mass movement deposits and eolian deposits will be recorded in their horizontal appearance (mapping) and intersection (recording of outcrops, sedimentological investigation). A detailed geomorphological investigation of the Nam Co area will provide Information an the surface dynamics characterizing the Jake catchment area. The interfingering of littoral, fluvial, gravitational and eolian deposits will allow past morphodynamics to be ranked into a relative and absolute time frame. As is (meanwhile) well known in geomorphology, so-called 'events', (processes with a high magnitude and a low frequency) are the most important landscape-shaping agents. In the Nam Co area distinct landscape sensitivity and recurring heavy rainfall of the summer monsoon anticipate strong event geomorphology. Especially the analysis of fluvial and colluvial deposits, locally interfingering with deposits from mass movements, yields information an magnitude and frequency of these events. Thus, the geomorphological and sedimentological analysis of the Nam Co catchment will provide information an Late Quaternary landscape history and stratigraphy of relief-shaping events. Coupled with paleoclimate information as it will be provided from the investigation of Nam Co lacustrine sediments (subprojects by A. Schwalb, G. Gleixner, V. Mosbrugger) valuable information will be provided an Holocene climate and environmental dynamics. For selected time slices paleoenvironmental scenarios will be developed and implemented into modelling approaches to support evaluation of geomorphic events. As well as LGM, such time slices might focus an the late Pleistocene phase of fan abandonment and the early Holocene wet phase, both as stated by Brown et al. (2003) for the Western Tibetan Plateau. usw.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Ufer ? Litoral ? Paläoklimatologie ? Berlin ? Kartierung ? Satellitenbild ? Tibet ? Lössboden ? Paläogeographie ? Szenario ? Solifluktion ? Bewertung ? Dränung ? Geographie ? Geologie ? Einzugsgebiet ? Landschaftsstruktur ? Monsunklima ? Umweltgeschichte ? Sediment ? Erdrutsch ? Hochgebirge ? Modellierung ? Erdgeschichte ? Fernerkundung ? Geomorphologie ? Klima ? Wasserstand ? Holozän ? Nam-Co-See ? Quartär ?

Region: Berlin

Bounding boxes: 10.44987° .. 10.44987° x 54.03573° .. 54.03573°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2005-07-01 - 2008-06-30



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