Description: Das Projekt "Development of New Technologies for Low Noise Railways Infrastructure (SILENT TRACK)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt durchgeführt. General information: Amongst environmental issues that represent major constraints for European Railways, noise generated by freight traffic is one of the most important and difficult to solve. Freight traffic is operated as much at night as during the day, and noise levels imposed by legislation tend to be particularly severe for this type of traffic. Noise emitted by freight traffic is the result of interaction between freight wagons, belonging to a wide number of Companies all over Europe and neighbour countries, and national infrastructures This makes solutions especially difficult to apply, and require a joint effort at European level. Although ground based protection such as noise barriers, or buildings improvement. will remain locally necessary, a reduction at the source is indeed more efficient, when achievable Reducing freight traffic noise at its source requires combined action on both track and wagons. Therefore, (( Silent Track )) project clusters closely with the BRITE EURAM 'Silent Freight' project, BRPR CT95 0047, started in february 1996, which concentrates on solutions for interoperable rolling stock The objectives of (( Silent Track )) are to develop a number of innovative technical solutions to be applied to existing tracks, and also to new infrastructure, allowing to reach, together with a combined action on vehicles, a global reduction of noise emitted by the train/track system by about 10 dB(A) The cost of implementing these solutions, by retrofit on existing tracks, or from building stage for new ones. must remain reasonable, that is significantly lower than the cost of a noise barrier. Work will include development of investigation and simulation tools, design and validation of solutions. with a strong emphasis on the understanding of phenomena governing rail roughness, the optimisation of the design of track components ( rail, fastening systems, sleepers...). It will be concluded by a demonstration exercise coordinated with Silent Freight where prototype solutions for wagons and track will be jointly tested, shonwing achievable noise reduction and allowing an extensive validation of new models. Guidelines ill been producec in view of standardisation and of defining a policy for the implementation of low noise design in Europe. The project will be carried out by a consortium coordinated by the European Rail Research lnstitute (ERRI ), a body in charge of RTD for all European Railways, and including several manufacturer, of rails. fasteners. pads and other components. and several Research Centres. Prime Contractor: Stichting European Rail Research Institute; Utrecht; Nederland.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Fahrzeuglärm ? Lärmminderung ? Lärmschutzwall ? Lärmschutzwand ? Schienenverkehrslärm ? Schall 03 ? Berlin ? Schienenweg ? Verkehrslärm ? Gebühr ? Anlagenoptimierung ? Gebäude ? Lärmpegel ? Leitfaden ? Schienenverkehr ? Fahrzeugbestand ? Baustelle ? Eisenbahn ? Rechtsverfahren ? Gesetzgebung ? Güterverkehr ? Lärm ? Nachrüstung ? Schienenfahrzeug ? Simulation ? Technik ? Europa ? REACH ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Infrastrukturentwicklung ? Arbeit ? Bauland ? Fahrzeug ? Forschung ? Infrastruktur ? Raumfahrt ? Richtlinie ? Standardisierung ? Umwelt ? Verkehrsinfrastruktur ? Planung ? Verkehr ? Globale Aspekte ? Kosten ? Politik ? LAND ? GEMISCHT ? WICHTIG ? Gebühr [Abgabe] ? INITIATIVE ? Konzentrat ? LAENDER ? BAHNSCHWELLE ? LOESUNG ? BESTEHEND ? Wechselwirkung ? Muskelarbeit ? NATIONAL ? NEU ? PROJEKT ? RATIFIKATION ? VERRINGERUNG ? RAUHEIT ? EIN ? Werkzeug ? SCHIENE ? ENTWICKLUNG ? BESTANDTEIL ? ANGEWANDT ? ERGEBNIS ? Eichung ? SCHUTZ ? SICHT ? SONSTIG ? STARK ? Tageszeitabhängigkeit ? UNTERSUCHUNG ? GELOEST ? BRITE/EURAM 3 ?
Region: Berlin
Bounding boxes: 10.44987° .. 10.44987° x 54.03573° .. 54.03573°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1997-01-01 - 2000-02-29
Accessed 1 times.