Description: Das Projekt "Use of geothermal water for bathing and heating purposes in Bayreuth" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stadt Bayreuth durchgeführt. Objective: To use geothermal energy to save energy in a bath centre and to supply hot water to nearby consumers. A 1000 m depth well is to be drilled in Permotriassic sandstones in a faulted area explored by water wells and seismic reflexion methods. Expected geothermal water flow of 72 m3/h at 47 degree C will be used for cleaning, irrigation and process water for industry. Interesting proposal in southern Germany for combined utilization of drinking and geothermal water. General Information: See results. Achievements: The well was drilled to a final depth of 1122 m between April and September 1980. It was fitted with 8' casing down to 901 m. Three sections were left free from cementation for later tapping measures (perforation). After reaching the final depth the hole was lined with plastic coated filters. First pumping tests showed a flow rate of 9.7 m3/h at 260 m depression. To get a sufficient production flow rate, additional perforation of the 8' iron casing has been performed in order to tap other productive levels. The final pumping test has given a total production flow rate of 61 m3/h at a temperature of 31 degree C. The project will be stopped by June 30, 1995, as the local Water Authority requests first another 3-year-pumping-test before giving its permission for a certain output. Not till then it will be decided if a geothermal use can be done economically. Prime Contractor: Stadt Bayreuth; Bayreuth; Germany.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Kunststoff ? Eisen ? Süddeutschland ? Franken ? Geothermie ? Wassertemperatur ? Brunnen ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Alternative Energie ? Betriebswasser ? Energieversorgung ? Filter ? Verfahrenskombination ? Warmwasser ? Industrie ? Sandstein ? Alternativtechnologie ? Bewässerung ? Energienutzung ? Energiequelle ? Erneuerbare Ressource ? Fließgeschwindigkeit ? Getränk ? Wasserströmung ? Kapselung ? Trinkwasser ? Wasserversorgung ? Badeanstalt ? Wasser ? Höhle ? Heizung ? Bayreuth ?
Region: Bayern
Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1989-12-01 - 1991-12-31
Accessed 1 times.