Description: Das Projekt "Assessment of the overall environmental exposure by silver ions originating from biocidal products" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie durchgeführt. Due to its antibacterial activity, silver is of increasing importance for many products of everyday use,and for medicinal products. Silver is applied as a solution, as a suspension, and in nanoparticularform. Because of its increasing use and manifold applications, the environmental risk of silver has tobe investigated and assessed considering the potential pathways of entry, environmental concentrationsand ecotoxicological effects. We conducted a literature study to collect the data required for arisk assessment for silver compounds and silver nanoparticles. A preliminary risk assessment wasperformed based on this data.It is demonstrated that an environmental risk for the aquatic compartment and for sewage treatmentplants can be considered as small, but cannot be totally excluded. Prerequisite for the statement isthat the assumptions with respect to the concentration of silver ions in the environment can be validatedby chemical analyses.For soil and sediment, there is an indication for risk. Gaps in knowledge have been identified. Especiallyknowledge about the concentration of silver ions in the environment, the influence of changingenvironmental conditions (e.g. degradation of organic matter, modification of pH) on silver and silvernanoparticles and is limited.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Biozidprodukt ? Silber ? Silberverbindung ? Arzneimittel ? Umweltauswirkung ? Gesamtstaub ? Bedarfsgegenstand ? Chemische Analyse ? Getränkeverpackung ? Kolloid ? Ökotoxizität ? Stellungnahme ? Organisches Material ? Suspension ? Umweltbelastung ? Wirkung ? Kanalisationswasser ? Pressemitteilung ? Nanosilber ? Sediment ? Abwasser ? Aluminiumdose ? Bewertung ? Chemikalien ? Daten ? Exposition ? Ionen ? Literaturstudie ? Sprühdose ? Studie ? Umweltgefährdung ? Weißblechdose ? Boden ? Wirkung ? Abfallbehälter ? Anthropogener Einfluss ? Risiko ? Umwelt ? Änderung ? Abbau ? Risikobewertung ? Verwertung ? POTENZIAL ? EINSATZ ? Rücknahme [gebrauchte Produkte] ? Steuerbilanz ? BEWERTEN ? Konzentrat ? Umwelterklärung [UVP] ? ABWAESSER ? BEZUG ? LITERATUR ? EINGESCHRAENKT ? VERHAELTNIS ? Vermehrung ? ANGEWANDT ? ZUGANG ? LOESUNG ? Dose [Verpackung] ? PFAD ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2007-01-01 - 2007-10-31
Accessed 1 times.