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Sustainable Consumption Policies Efficiency Evaluation (SCOPE2)

Description: Das Projekt "Sustainable Consumption Policies Efficiency Evaluation (SCOPE2)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von SERI Nachhaltigkeitsforschungs und -kommunikations GmbH durchgeführt. The main goal of this project is to analyse how policy instruments can support greening of the markets and stimulate more sustainable consumption patterns by individuals and households. From the extensive insight of SERI, Lund University IIIEE and TNO with other projects on Integrated Product Policy, Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) and Sustainable Transitions, it is crystal clear that simple policy approaches will not work. Consumers are often not as sovereign as thought, since their behaviour is shaped by a multitude of factors they cannot influence. Many sustainable business initiatives have died out in silence due to a lack of reward in the market or lack of consumer acceptance. And where simple, direct interventions like regulation or financial instruments sometimes are successful, they can also appear to be too crude, or even inadequate, when the sustainability problem is caused by 'lock-in' problems or other market failures. We therefore propose the following division in WPs so that the project looks at policy instruments and business initiatives from a systemic, holistic perspective: 1. Inventory and assessment of policy instruments, 2. Inventory and assessment of business initiatives, 3. Analysis of theories on innovation, governance and change of consumer behaviour for SCP, 4. Analysis of gaps and barriers for implementation (e.g. geographical and sectoral: where are proven instruments not yet applied? Or systemic/holistic: how should instruments be used in a more coherent way, or which new types of instruments should be applied, to realise the type of long term and significant changes that are related to the SCP agenda? Etc.), 5. Developing guidelines and recommendations on SCP policy. The consortium is already involved in most major SCP projects at national, European and global level and hence can create excellent leverage and connections with e.g. the UN 10 Year framework of Programs on SCP, etc. Prime Contractor: The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO); Delft; Netherlands.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Schalldämpfung ? Lack ? Schleuse ? Niederlande ? Kataster ? Regulierung ? Unfallverhütungsvorschrift ? Nachhaltiger Konsum ? Integrierte Produktpolitik ? Bewertung ? Bodenschutz ? Geographie ? Gerätesicherheit ? Rechtsverfahren ? Mensch ? Wirkungsgrad ? Produktion ? Arbeit ? Nachhaltigkeit ? Ökonomisches Instrument ? Sicherheitsvorschrift ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Globale Aspekte ? Politik ? Markt ? vorschlagen ? Annäherung ? Bodeneffizienz ? Dauer ? Fehler ? Haushalt ? Methode ? Perspektive ? Projekt ? Verbindung ? Verbrauch ? Verbraucher ? Verhalten ? angewandt ? fördern ? ganzheitlich ? nachhaltig ? national ? neu ? sonstig ? verwandt ? Akzeptanz ? Antragsrecht ? Ausleitung ? Betriebsvorschrift ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2006-12-01 - 2008-11-30



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