Description: Das Projekt "Quiet City Transport (QCity)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stadt Ludwigsburg durchgeführt. The objective of QCITY is to propose a range of measures and solutions that can realistically be integrated both from an economic as well as from a practical point of view in the action plans that the cities (municipalities) will have to produce as a consequence of the EC Noise Directive 2002/49/EC. QCITY starts from the identification of hot spots on existing noise maps from a large number of cities, using the Stockholm score model. Some noise spots are then researched in detail with specific software in order to find the root causes of the problem. Various solutions will be studied for each of the selected hot spots and their effects determined, also by looking at the number of people impacted and the degree of the impact. The entire range of rail transport vehicles, trams, metro, suburban rail and freight, and their associated infrastructure are an integral part of this project, and are treated on the same level as road vehicles (cars, busses, trucks, motorbikes) and their infrastructure. Besides addressing the transport noise problems (at source, propagation and receiver) with conventional technical solutions, QCITY incorporates issues such as traffic control, town planning, architectural features, noise perception issues, intermodal transport, change between transport modes, traffic restrictions, enforcement measures, economic incentive measures, introduction of hybrid vehicles and of new guided public transport vehicles. In a first phase, emphasis will be on noise mapping and on the conceptual design of the considered solution and their potential impact. In the second phase, the most promising solutions will be designed in detail for a specific hot-spot problem selected in each participating city. The solutions will be implemented in situ and validated. Prime Contractor: Acoustic Control ACL AB; Täby; Sweden.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Ludwigsburg ? Lärmkartierung ? Lärmkarte ? Schienenverkehrslärm ? Straße ? Schweden ? Akustik ? EU-Umgebungslärmrichtlinie ? Lärmemission ? Pflanzensamen ? Verkehrslärm ? Software ? Lärmbekämpfung ? Automobil ? Lastkraftfahrzeug ? ÖPNV ? Omnibus ? Schienenverkehr ? Architektur ? Stadtplanung ? Straßenbahn ? U-Bahn ? Motorrad ? Pflanzenwurzel ? S-Bahn ? Hybridfahrzeug ? Hybridantrieb ? Individualverkehr ? Innenstadt ? Fahrverbot ? Kausalanalyse ? Verkehrslenkung ? Verkehrsplanung ? Kraftfahrzeug ? Stadt ? EU-Richtlinie ? Intermodaler Verkehr ? Lärmbelastung ? Güterverkehr ? Straßenfahrzeug ? Stockholm ? Lärm ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Aktionsplan ? Lärmaktionsplanung ? Produktdesign ? in situ ? Verkehrsträger ? Verkehrssystem ? Ökonomisches Instrument ? Planung ? Verkehrsinfrastruktur ? Kommunalebene ? Kennzahl ? FP6-SUSTDEV ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2005-02-01 - 2009-01-31
Webseite zum Förderprojekt (Webseite)Accessed 1 times.