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Methods and algorithms for data exploitation of the imaging Fourier transform spectrometer GLORIA-AB on HALO - MaxiFTS -

Description: Das Projekt "Methods and algorithms for data exploitation of the imaging Fourier transform spectrometer GLORIA-AB on HALO - MaxiFTS -" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung - Atmosphärische Spurenstoffe und Fernerkundung (IMK-ASF) durchgeführt. GLORIA combines a Michelson interferometer with a detector array of 128 x 128 pixels and will be the first 2D infrared limb imaging spectrometer worldwide. It is designed for HALO and will measure the distribution of temperature and a considerable number of trace constituents along with cloud mapping with unprecedented spatial resolution in the free troposphere and lower stratosphere. It is an essential contribution to the HALO demo missions TACTS, POLSTRACC, and CIRRUS-RS. Imaging Fourier transform spectrometers impose a number of challenges with respect to instrument calibration / characterisation and for algorithm development. The work of the first proposal focused on characterisation and modeling of the instrument and on the development of methods and algorithms which are capable of generating calibrated spectra with high accuracy. Accurately calibrated spectra are a prerequisite for the retrieval of atmospheric parameters and the scientific data exploitation. Within this renewal proposal the developed characterisation methods will be applied to the instrument in flight configuration, and the new algorithms will be used to generate highly accurate calibrated spectra from the raw interferograms measured during the HALO demo missions. The work will be completed by a thorough error analysis for the calibrated spectra. Finally, instrument settings, calibration scenario and data processing shall be optimised with respect to data quality. This proposal contributes to the development of high technology sensors and instruments for the use on HALO.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Wolkenbildung ? Wolke ? Bewölkung ? Infrarotstrahlung ? Interferometrie ? Kalibrierung ? Meteorologie ? Sensor ? Spurengas ? Kartographie ? Szenario ? Temperatur ? Klimaforschung ? Abgrabung ? Berechnungsverfahren ? Datenverarbeitung ? Luftfahrzeug ? Messverfahren ? Stratosphäre ? Technik ? Analyse ? Fernerkundung ? Forschung ? Infrastruktur ? Regeneration ? Maßnahme ? Erdsystem ? Spektrum ? Ausbeutung ? Vorschlag ? Fehler ? frei ? fähig ? neu ? Methode ? Pixel ? wissenschaftlich ? Werkzeug ? Entwicklung ? angewandt ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2007-01-01 - 2016-12-31



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Accessed 1 times.