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Innovative P-recovery from waste sludge

Description: Das Projekt "Innovative P-recovery from waste sludge" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Hochschule für Life Sciences, Institut für Ecopreneurship durchgeführt. Phosphorus is one of the most needed elements for soil fertilization and a strategic resource to ensure food security. Presently an important part of applied fertilisers originates from mineral resources. Almost no phosphorus rock resources exist in Europe, so that Europe strongly depends on imports. It is further expected that the phosphorus rack price will increase and the quality will decrease in the future. At the same time, most of the wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) remove phosphorus from the wastewaters, transferring it first to the sludge and later on part of it to the sludge liquor after dewatering. Therefore, sewage sludge is an attractive secondary resource for fertilizer production. In the whole of Europe the yearly produced sewage sludge (11.1 million tons) contains 310000 tons of phosphorus (assuming 28 gP/kg dry matter) which corresponds to 20Prozent of the total European phosphorus demand. New technologies are being developed for its recovery from the sludge, but only few examples of industrially implemented processes exist. Struvite precipitation is one of the most promising and among the few being implemented in full scale up to now. The application of struvite precipitation for phosphorus recovery from the sludge liquor is ecologically and economically beneficial. This project will study four innovations related to this process: Struvite precipitation in microbial fuel cells, struvite precipitation initiated by air stripping, struvite crystals agglomeration by addition of natural coagulants and flocculants and the application of low cost seawater concentrate, which is locally available in the main study site Burgas. The project will go deeper into the process design, namely by developing innovative techniques for phosphorus dissolution from the sludge matrix. To achieve this, the application of microbial fuel cells, high osmotic salt solution and waste acids will be studied experimentally. Furthermore, research will be carried out on nanofiltration for metal separation to control and improve the product quality. The technologies under study will be applied on model waste sludges originating from several waste water treatment chains with different technological levels in Bulgaria and Switzerland. The project will be complemented by a quantification of available phosphorus from existing WWTPs in Bulgaria and Switzerland as well as an assessment of the application potential of the developed technologies including a membrane process to provide high concentrated magnesium and sodium chloride solutions, respectively, for application in low cost struvite precipitation and osmotic shock treatment of sludge.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Phosphorrückgewinnung ? Natriumchlorid ? Main ? Brennstoff ? Gesamtphosphor ? Magnesium ? Natrium ? Schlammbehandlung ? Bulgarien ? Brunnen ? Bodenschätze ? Abfallverwertung ? Brennstoffzelle ? Düngemittel ? Flockungsmittel ? Industrieschlamm ? Klärschlamm ? Meerwasser ? Ökologie ? Phosphor ? Pflanzensamen ? Salz ? Abfallsäure ? Außenhandel ? Schweiz ? Nanofiltration ? Trockensubstanz ? Düngemittelproduktion ? Membranverfahren ? Abwasserbehandlung ? Regenwasser ? Schlamm ? Abwasserbehandlungsanlage ? Metall ? Erschütterung ? Boden ? Technik ? Technikfolgenabschätzung ? Zelle ? Ausblasverfahren ? Klärschlammentwässerung ? Koagulation ? Abwasser ? Rohstoffvorkommen ? Wasser ? Abfall ? Festgestein ? Auflösen ? Düngung ? Europa ? Bewässerung ? Innovation ? Abscheidung ? Bewertung ? Studie ? Forschung ? Preis ? Niederschlag ? Produkt ? Ressource ? Ballungsraum ? Bedarf ? Technischer Fortschritt ? Planung ? Entwässerung ? Gestein ? Erholung ? Ernährungssicherheit ? Kosten ? POTENZIAL ? BESTEHEND ? EIN ? ABWAESSER ? PRAEZIPITATION ? INDUSTRIELL ? PROJEKT ? PROZESSBEDINGT ? STARK ? TECHNOLOGISCH ? LOESUNG ? Maßstabsvergrößerung ? KONTROLLE ? Konzentrat ? NACHFRAGE ? NEU ? TEIL ? ABNAHME ? UNTER ? VERFUEGBAR ? Vermehrung ? Verwertung ? WICHTIG ? Werkzeug ? waste sludge ? ANGEWANDT ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2013-02-01 - 2015-01-31



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