Description: Das Projekt "Optimization and acceptance of fluoride removal options for drinking water in rural Ehiopia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eawag - Das Wasserforschungsinstitut des ETH-Bereichs durchgeführt. The aim of the research project is to further develop and compare the acceptability and technical performance of fluoride removal filters and to explore ways of sustainably implementing these in rural Ethiopia. According to estimates of the Ethiopian Ministry of Water Resources more than 14 million people in Ethiopia rely on drinking water contaminated by fluoride in the Rift Valley region. Over 40Prozent of deep and shallow wells are contaminated and concentrations, up to 26 mg/L, are significantly higher than the present international WHO guideline value of 1.5 mg/L. The main source of fluoride are the basaltic rocks in the Rift Valley. Over 80Prozent of children suffer from different degrees of dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis is increasing, mainly among older people. The mitigation of this health problem has been hampered mainly by the lack of a suitable, inexpensive removal method. A switch to treated surface waters for drinking is being discussed, but it is accepted that fluoride removal systems for rural communities are required. To date there has been no successful implementation of such a system in Ethiopia. This project aims to combine technical and social research at both Eawag and University of Addis Ababa, including field work together with NGOs to find a solution to the mitigation of fluorosis. Not only the suggested removal techniques but also the inter- and transdisciplinary research approach is innovative. Intensive interaction of engineering and social sciences is indispensable in this project, because even the best technical solution is useless when it is not accepted by the population. This collaborative project also has an important goal of capacity and human resource development in Ethiopia. It aims at strengthening the knowledge and research capacity of the Ethiopian university and the participation of NGOs will consolidate the ties between research and implementation. Furthermore, the results will be applicable not only to Ethiopia but also for other fluorosis-affected developing countries. Two fluoride removal systems that can cope with the elevated fluoride concentrations will be further developed and tested in the field. The first, based on filtration with aluminium (Al) oxide, has been developed in the Chemistry Department of Addis Ababa University. Laboratory tests have shown a very high removal capacity, but still further laboratory and field testing is required. The second filter material is based on a calcium hydroxyapatite, including bone char, that is successfully being developed and currently implemented by the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru (CDN) in Kenya. Preliminary implementation studies with bone char filtration in Ethiopia, carried out by the NGO consortium Swiss Interchurch Aid (HEKS) / Oromo Self-Help Organisation (OSHO) in collaboration with CDN and Eawag have shown that the water composition, the high fluoride concentrations,
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Aluminiumoxid ? Main ? Fluorose ? Aluminium ? Fluorid ? Calcium ? Lack ? Material ? Entfluoridierung ? Ministerium ? Oxid ? Schadstoffbelastung ? Äthiopien ? Kenia ? Schweiz ? Datierung ? Filter ? Kind ? Knochen ? Mensch ? Ackerland ? Sozialforschung ? Studie ? Technik ? Trinkwasser ? Dorf ? Filtration ? Laborversuch ? Wasser ? Nichtstaatliche Organisation ? Festgestein ? Transdisziplinarität ? Bewässerung ? Oberflächengewässer ? Entwicklungsland ? Getränk ? Forschungsprojekt ? Sozialwissenschaft ? Gebiet ? Bevölkerung ? Forschung ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Gesundheit ? Industrieland ? Körperschaft ? Ressource ? Richtwert ? Wasserressourcen ? Tal ? Gestein ? Arbeit ? UNTERSUCHUNG ? LOESUNG ? MITBESTIMMUNG ? Muskelarbeit ? BEST ? VERGLEICHEN ? Vermehrung ? WICHTIG ? WISSENSCHAFT ? METHODE ? Werkzeug ? ENTFERNUNG ? NACHHALTIG ? ENTWICKLUNG ? OBERFLAECHE ? ERGEBNIS ? Akzeptanz ? PROJEKT ? SONSTIG ? GEGENWART ? GEMEINSCHAFT ? HILF ? INGENIEURWESEN ? Implementationsforschung ? KONTAMINIEREN ? Konzentrat ? LEISTUNGSFAEHIGKEIT ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2009-05-01 - 2012-10-31
Accessed 1 times.