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Umweltplanung: Fallstudie Bündner Rheintal

Description: Das Projekt "Umweltplanung: Fallstudie Bündner Rheintal" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung, Professur für Landschafts- und Umweltplanung durchgeführt. The project tries to answer the five following questions: Which methods do exist, that allow us to determine environmental effects of existing and planned types of land use on other land uses or on the natural environment? Which types of data and basic informations are necessarily collected, especially in a regional planning context? Which is the best way to collect the required data and facts, and how are they best analyzed and stored? Which methodical approaches are best suited for ecological planning? How can ecological planning be integrated in the existing planning system? Special emphasis is put on the development and the application of methods permitting the assessment and analysis of the impact of a certain type of land use on the ecosystem and on other land uses. The region that has been chosen for the case study is a part of the upper Rhine Valley in the Grisons.It comprises 17 communities from Rhäzuns, Bonaduz via Chur (capital of canton Grisons) to Fläsch with a total area of 329 km2. It is a relatively broad alpine valley between mountains reaching altitudes about 2500m. Concerning number of people and population growth, agriculture, number of jobs and amount of industries and business, the region is one of the most important in the canton Grisons. An overlay of the different demands in the valley showed that only a few insignificant areas remain for additional utilization. These are the alarming findings in a region which, at first sight, would be classified as a largely intact landscape. It means that the room to manoevre for the planner has become very small. One mean to enlarge his possibilities is to improve the state of the environment. Environmental pollution must be reduced and avoided where possible. The limitation of the emission and immission of pollutants, of noise, and others are important targets. The formation of open landscape should be avoided and the further expansion of settlements curtailed. Valuable individual biotopes must be retained and sections of the landscape shaped in a way, that diversity and naturalness will be enhanced. Measures improving the situation of the environment will enlarge the room to move for planners of different disciplines. As final result of the preceding steps in the project actions and principles for the realisation of the demands of ecological planning on the one side and concrete proposals for the Rhine Valley of the Grisons on the other side were formulated.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Beton ? Räumliche Entwicklung ? Beschäftigungswirkung ? Lärmminderung ? Chur ? Graubünden ? Zürich ? Bevölkerungswachstum ? Biotop ? Lärmemission ? Regionalplanung ? Umweltauswirkung ? Rhein ? Schweiz ? Schädliche Umwelteinwirkung ? Demografischer Wandel ? Regionalplan ? Schadstoffimmission ? Landschaftswandel ? Arbeitsmarkt ? Berg ? Emissionsminderung ? Fallstudie ? Flächennutzung ? Statistische Analyse ? Immissionsschutz ? Umweltplanung ? Umweltverschmutzung ? Wirkungsanalyse ? Biotopschutz ? Daten ? Umweltplan ? Alpen ? Natürlichkeit ? Raumordnungsplan ? Umweltveränderung ? Planung ? Landschaft ? Tal ? Gebirge ? Umweltzustand ? Biodiversität ? Landwirtschaft ? Ökosystem ? Datenerhebung ? Regionalentwicklung ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1983-01-01 - 1995-12-31



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