Description: Das Projekt "PV for decentralized relief of mains supply (3 Okal Houses)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Institut für Industrialisierung des Bauens, Weber Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Planungs-Gesellschaft mbH durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate that pv generators can be integrated harmoniously into the roofs of prefabricated houses (Fertighäuser) and that the other pv system components can be integrated as well in industrially produced houses. The pv supply is used for peak load lopping in grid connected houses. General Information: Three prefabricated houses in Lauenstein (site I), Roetenbach near Neustadt/Baden (site II) and Berlin (site III) are equipped with an integral PV system consisting of a 1.85 kWp roof mounted array (42 AEG monocrystalline modules of type PQ/10/44/01). Battery charging is made through a charge controller, type 'SOLARMATIC' (AEG), based on measurements of (temperatures compensated) battery voltages. The system in the Lauenstein house has a 420 Ah/216 V battery with recombination, the Roetenbach house a 532 Ah/216 V battery with ceramic plugs and the Berlin house a 315 Ah/21 V sealed battery. Each house is equipped with an AEG inverter type 'TRANSSOLAR' or 'TRANSOPULS', 5 kVA, monophase, self-commutated, an adapted UPS unit. Operation of the systems are based on the principle of peak lopping: When the electricity consumption in the house rises above a predefined level, the automatic control system draws the extra power required from the PV system rather than from the grid. Each house has a data logger DAM-800 (AEG). Data are available (with interruptions) for the periods from June 1988 to July 1991. Achievements: The general satisfactory operation of all three systems continues with the concept of the decentralized mains relief, except at site III (Berlin) were due to the type of user (office building) no peak demand occurs. It was found, that the option to feed excess energy into the mains would increase the efficiency of such systems; hence the option of feeding excess power into the mains will be possibly explored at all three sites, especially at Berlin. After solution of some minor structural problems (bending of modules, dirt accumulation on horizontal profiles, solved by elastic joints) the project has shown, that pv modules can be integrated into the roofs with satisfactory constructional and aesthetical features. The average annual energy production of one system is 1040 kWh. Energy cost is calculated to be 10.4 Ecu/kWh (2.9 Ecu/kWh for a replication) and 1.6 Ecu/kWh for grid connected systems without battery.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Main ? Keramik ? Öffentliches Gebäude ? Berlin ? Kombinationswirkung ? Solarenergie ? Solarzelle ? Wohngebäude ? Niedrigenergiehaus ? Stromerzeugung ? Energieversorgung ? Industrialisierung ? Integrierte Umweltschutztechnik ? Messtechnik ? Solartechnik ? Ökologisches Bauen ? Alternative Energie ? Gebäudetechnik ? Fertigbau ? Architektur ? Batterie ? Datenverarbeitung ? Dezentralisierung ? Energiekosten ? Energietechnik ? Energieumwandlung ? Gebäudedach ? Modul ? Wohnungsbau ? Anlagenüberwachung ? Geländerelief ? Neustadt ? Baden ?
Region: Niedersachsen
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1986-01-01 - 1990-07-31
Accessed 1 times.