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Effiziente Energienutzung in Schwimmbaedern

Description: Das Projekt "Effiziente Energienutzung in Schwimmbaedern" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft durchgeführt. Objective: Demonstration of energy saving technics in large public swimming pools, use of unglazed solar collectors in combination with a heat pump. The innovative aspect is the use of the solar system during times when the global radiation is low, bad weather, or not existing, night time. Use of heat recovery units for exhaust air of indoor swimming pools. Heat recovery from filter back-flush water and shower water. Ülzen: 1,500 m2 unglazed collectors, system Solaroll EPDM innovative system with two flow systems, pool water and antifreeze. Inzell: 1,200 unglazed collectors, system Episol EPDM. Estimated energy savings: Ülzen: 480 TOE/a Inzell: 120 TOE/a. General Information: 1) UELZEN (Northern Germany between Hannover and Hamburg). Total water area 2993 m2. Summer use only 1990 m2 open air. Winter use only 1003 m2 indoor. Total solar area 1,500 m2 unglazed (Solaroll EPDM). The solar area is a combination of a direct flow, for Summer use, and an indirect flow, filled with antifreeze and linked to an electric driven heat pump. The solar system is gluwed on the horizontal roofing of the indoor swimming pool. Auxiliary heating is delivered from an adjacent diesel engine driven power station and a gas fired boiler. Heat recovery utilities are installed for the filter black flushing and the exhaust air from the indoor swimming pool. The outdoor bassins have a motor driven pool cover to reduce heat losses during the night. 2) INZELL (Bavaria near Salzburg). Total water area 3316 m2. Summer use only 2981 m2 open air. All year use 280 m2 indoor. All year use 45 m2 outdoor. Total solar area 1153 m2 unglazed (Episol, EPDM). The unglazed collectors are installed on the flat roof of the Summer vestiairies. Direct, one-circuit flow of the pool's water. During bad weather conditions and at night an already existing heat pump may be linked to the solar system instead to a cold river coming down from the mountains. Auxiliary heating may be delivered also from an old fired furnace. A heat recovery unit is installed in the pool's hall ventilation system. Achievements: Results of Ülzen: The first monitoring period in 1985 showed that the energy collected (solar direct plus heat pump) from the double circuit collector was much smaller than estimated. This is partly due to shorter running times of the heat pump but partly also from a too optimistic calculation of the manufacturer. Solar direct use during Summer (8.5 - 18.9.1985): 130 kWh/m2, 195 MWh, 75 per cent furnace efficiency. 22 TOE/a, Solar indirect via heat pump (1.9.84-31.10.1985). 210 kWh/m2, 315,3 MWh, 35.4 TOE, Other savings: Heat recovery from the exhaust air of the indoor swimming pool which is closed during Summer. Energy recovered (1.1.85-8.5.1985) 216 MWh or 13.0 TOE. Heat recovery from filter black flushing water (1.1.85-31.12.1985) 115 MWh or 13.0 TOE. Total energy savings per year approx. (influence of pool cover not included) 95/a. Rresults of inzell. The first monitored season in 1985 ...


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Hannover ? Uelzen ? Bayern ? Gebirgsfluss ? Wasserfilter ? Hamburg ? Norddeutschland ? Solarkollektor ? Schwimm- und Badebecken ? Globalstrahlung ? Solarenergie ? Solarstrahlung ? Solaranlage ? Abwärmenutzung ? Dieselmotor ? Wärmerückgewinnung ? Wärmenutzung ? Spülung ? Wärmepumpe ? Warmwasserbereitung ? Filter ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Frostschutz ? Schwimm- und Badebeckenwasser ? Abluft ? Salzburg ? Alternative Energie ? Betriebswasser ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Witterung ? Energie ? Badeanstalt ? Kraftwerk ? Motor ? Energiegewinnung ? Energieverbrauch ? Gebäudedach ? Lüftung ? Energieeffizienz ? Wasserströmung ? Lüftungsanlage ? Energieeinsparung ? Wasserfläche ? Heizung ? Wetter ? Gebirge ? Ofen ? Kessel ? Solaroll-EPDM ? Wasserbecken ? Wetterabhängigkeit ? Tageszeitabhängigkeit ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1982-01-01 - 1987-08-15



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