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Ausrottungsrisiko und Wiedereinbuergerung von Pflanzenarten in einem zersplitterten Europa

Description: Das Projekt "Ausrottungsrisiko und Wiedereinbuergerung von Pflanzenarten in einem zersplitterten Europa" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Marburg, Fachbereich Biologie durchgeführt. Objective/Problems to be solved: It is every day experience in many European countries that the landscape is changing rapidly because of the multiplicity of demands on space made by e.g. agriculture, transport, recreation, city expansion. These human activities often develop at the expense of the habitats of wild plants and animals and their chances for survival resulting in a world wide decline in biodiversity. These conflicting demands on space require national but also European measures for the conservation of wildlife as detailed in the EU Habitats Directive and the Flora and Fauna Directive. A lot of conservation effort goes into restoring habitat quality, but we are now beginning to see that this is not enough to save rare and threatened species. This is simply because threatened species have dispersal problems in fragmented habitats. The remnant populations have become too small and too widely dispersed and these species therefore are unable to re-colonise the improved habitats. This is especially true for sessile long-lived organisms such as most plants. As a consequence an alarming, steadily increasing number of plant species appear on national red-data lists. What is lacking however, is an evaluation of the status of endangered plants on a European scale, considering their area of distribution as a whole, as plants have no nationality, in combination with an assessment of the chances for re-introduction as a conservation measure. Such a combination can help to make better environmental impact assessments and to reconcile conflicting demands on space. Scientific objectives and approach: The scientific objectives of the TRANSPLANT program are twofold: to investigate the extinction risks of plant species in fragmenting landscapes across Europe and secondly to develop scientifically sound re-introduction schemes and test their effectiveness. To achieve these goals, we will use a selected number of plant species that differ in their capacity to move across landscapes. This depends on two crucial traits: the longevity of adults and the dispersal capacity of seeds. The first trait determines the capacity to hold territory and function as a source of seeds in the landscape. The second trait affects the capacity to colonise new territory and settle elsewhere. Using these species as our guinea pigs we will built our expertise in a hierarchical, step-like fashion. First we need to know how isolation and small population size in remnants of these species have affected their genetic variation or in other words their capacity to adapt to changing environments. Than we will go on and measure longevity and dispersal capacity in the field in populations that differ in size and degree of isolation across their area of distribution. Prime Contractor: Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, Department of ecology and environment - Faculty of science; Nijmegen.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Marburg ? Meteorologie ? Wild ? Habitat ? Innenstadt ? Pflanzenart ? Wiederansiedlung ? Artengefährdung ? Ausgestorbene Art ? Artenbestand ? Flächennutzung ? Risikoanalyse ? Rote Liste gefährdeter Arten ? Stadtentwicklung ? Pflanze ? Europa ? Anthropogener Einfluss ? Fauna ? Fischerei ? Flora ? Gutachten ? Landwirtschaft ? Population ? Verkehr ? Biodiversität ? Art [Spezies] ? Biotopisolation ? enviromental protection ? forecasting ? resources of the sea ?

Region: Hessen

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 50.55° .. 50.55°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2000-01-03 - 2004-02-29



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