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Advancing the Integrated Monitoring of Trace Gas Exchange between Biosphere and Atmosphere (ABBA)

Description: Das Projekt "Advancing the Integrated Monitoring of Trace Gas Exchange between Biosphere and Atmosphere (ABBA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie durchgeführt. Descriptions are provided by the Actions directly via e-COST. The global environment is a complex system with numerous intricately linked processes. The land surface-atmosphere interface plays a vital role in the functioning of the Earth System by controlling transfers of energy, momentum and matter. Thus, land atmosphere interactions are important factors controlling and affecting the Earth climate system. To increase and evaluate our understanding of the critical controlling processes, interactions and feedbacks between biosphere and atmosphere, long-term integrated interdisciplinary monitoring efforts are necessary. This COST Action creates a platform for analysis, harmonisation, and synthesis, assessment of future needs and further development of a European integrated monitoring program for comprehensive trace gas flux observations. The existing national and European flux monitoring communities work separately; networking by this COST Action creates added value and is invaluable to advance the continuity, scope and quality of flux monitoring. This Action advances the applicability of produced data in climate and Earth system modelling research, as well as in more operational short to medium term forecasting of weather and air quality. Current methodologies, operationality, dissemination, and coordination will also be addressed in this COST Action. Development of common methodologies, data management systems and protocols will increase the reliability, value and cost-efficiency of European flux observations. Keywords: land-atmosphere interactions, energy and biogeochemical fluxes, multi-species flux monitoring, assimilation in climate and weather forecasting models, climate and global change


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Biogeochemie ? Messstellennetz ? Europäische Gemeinschaften ? Integrated Monitoring ? Atmosphärenüberwachung ? Wetterbeobachtung ? Assimilation ? Rechtsverfahren ? Kontrollmaßnahme ? Kostenanalyse ? Monitoring ? Synthese ? Wettervorhersage ? Klimadaten ? Arbeit ? Atmosphäre ? Bedarf ? Biosphäre ? Klimafaktor ? Globale Aspekte ? Kosten ? Erdsystem ? Zuverlässigkeit ? BESCHREIBUNG ? Bahnsteig ? FORTSCHRITTLICH ? FUNKTION ? GEMISCHT ? INITIATIVE ? KOORDINIERUNG ? LAND ? METHODIK ? Muskelarbeit ? Operations Research ? PROTOKOLL ? PROZESSINTEGRIERT ? SCHNITTSTELLE ? WERT ? WICHTIG ? Assimilation [Biologie] ? BESTEHEND ? BETRACHTUNG ? BEWERTEN ?

Region: Thüringen

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2008-09-01 - 2013-02-28




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Accessed 1 times.