Description: Das Projekt "Evaluation of instruments of the European Union as regards their contribution to sustainable agriculture in the Alps (SUSTALP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Europäische Akademie Bozen, EURAC durchgeführt. Agriculture is the branch of economy with the greatest degree of land responsibility. Because of it and because of the important role it plays in supplying the population, it is the subject of many political ordinances and interventions. The impacts of these agro-political measures are not limited to agriculture alone, but bring about considerable side effects in the ecosystem as well. These 'environmental side effects in such highly fragile areas as mountain ecosystems are of highest significance. It was the goal of the SUSTALP Project to analyse the environmental impacts of agro-political measures and to derive from that analysis the consequences necessary to give a strategic direction to agricultural policy. Results: In the alpine region, it was possible to identify eight well distinguishable agro-regional types based on natural, socio-economical, and agro-economical indicators. Agro-policy was effective on agricultural reference values as well as on the environment. Its impact differs according to regional and operational settings. Five main farm strategies (optimisation of subsidies, intensification, extensification, specialisation and modernisation) were primarily responsible for the transfer of agro-political impulses to the environmental situation. Next to a whole row of technical results, the analysis of these strategies and the way they were influenced by the regional and operational setting allowed the conclusion that an environmentally appropriate European agricultural policy must be especially enduring (long-term, clearly formulated goals and instruments) and subsidiary (wide leeway for regional differentiation of the measures). Results showed, furthermore, that the highest agro-political leverage on the environment existed in the disadvantaged areas. Further references for the structuring of European agricultural policy could be deduced from these strategical principles.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Main ? Agrarpolitik ? Eingriffsvorbehalt ? Nebenwirkung ? Umweltauswirkung ? Brunnen ? EU-Agrarpolitik ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Wirkung ? Europäische Union ? Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft ? Bewertung ? Extensivierung ? Alpines Ökosystem ? Subvention ? Versorgung ? Hochgebirge ? Verbreitungsgebiet ? Wirkung ? Alpen ? Hintergrundwert ? Bevölkerung ? Landwirtschaft ? Ökosystem ? Regionale Verteilung ? Umwelt ? Zuständigkeit ? Politik ? Maßnahme ? Strategische Aspekte ? Referenzwert ? Indikator ? Wirtschaft ? Erlass [Recht] ? Thema ? Verschiebung ? Werkzeug ? Dauer ? Land ? bestehend ? dauerhaft ? eingeschränkt ? Beitrag ? Projekt ? Grundsatz ? nachhaltig ? politisch ? regional ? wichtig ? Referenz ? Ökologische Situation ? Grundsätze ? Ergebnis ? Schlußfolgerung ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1997-01-01 - 1999-12-31
Accessed 1 times.