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RP7 Boosting water harvesting productivity for sustainable community development in Africa (WHAPRO)

Description: Das Projekt "RP7 Boosting water harvesting productivity for sustainable community development in Africa (WHAPRO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Institut für Hydraulik und landeskulturelle Wasserwirtschaft durchgeführt. Climate change, population growth, land use changes and urbanisation and so forth forcing future generations to produce more with fewer resources. Hence innovative water harvesting approaches in combination with an integrated water management are urgently needed. In the past water harvesting was manly seen isolated and set into a bigger framework of a river basin. Overexploitation at one side necessarily leads to a shortage at the downstream region. This is especially true for basin closure. It is inevitable that integrated water management has to care about upstream/downstream interactions and between water harvesting and large scale irrigation at the catchment/river basin scale. The objective of this proposal is to set standards for water utilization on a basin (sub basin scale) to ensure food and water security in an equitable manner throughout the whole basin in the context of a range of dynamic global and regional pressures. There are numerous technologies for water harvesting available, but what is missing is an appropriate system design and synergies amongst farmers and other stakeholders. The concept of the project therefore is to links knowledge of water harvesting of different regions and analyse and investigate acceptance of systems. A SWOT analyses should be performed for each selected study region to have a sound base for highest investment benefits and also a risk analyses of investment. This analysis also enables the development of guidelines and criteria to transfer the various water harvesting technologies in different hydrological, biological and socio-economic conditions and to ensure integration of those technologies in the context of local and regional economical environment. The Definition of water harvesting for this project is an Integration/Synergies of/with farming systems and as a wider definition with respect to WHO, measures of conservation farming. The advantage of conservation farming is an easy to implementation, it is practical; and reduces loss of water. The prominent part of water storage with regard to water balance has to be recognized. For each basin a water balance (precipitation, evapotranspiration, surface water run off, surface and ground water interaction, subsurface storage and run off) has to be established. One of the key factors could be the water storage in sub soil. The idea of water banking will be introduced. This supports the awareness that water has a value and optimisation may have cost involved. Cost is not necessarily seen in a monetary sense, but also in providing labour hours and commitment to maintain infrastructures. Taking the above into consideration and ensuring a participatory approach at all levels and between all stakeholders and partners will lead to a sustainable production system. By taking environmental requirements and impacts into account at an early stage environmental services are becoming an appropriate value.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Synergistische Wirkung ? Seen ? Fluss ? Wien ? Biopharmazeutikum ? Bevölkerungswachstum ? Buchhaltung ? Evapotranspiration ? Blei ? Ernte ? Landnutzungsänderung ? Hydraulik ? Kreditinstitut ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Leitfaden ? Regenwasser ? Risiko-Nutzen-Analyse ? Sozioökonomie ? Urbanisierung ? Wasserbilanz ? Wasserreinigung ? Konservierung ? Unterboden ? Risikoanalyse ? Technik ? Einzugsgebiet ? Wasseraufbereitung ? Management ? Wassernutzung ? Bewässerung ? Wasserspeicher ? Wasseranalyse ? Oberflächengewässer ? Übernutzung ? Interessenvertreter ? Flussgebiet ? Regionale Lebensmittel ? Grundwasser ? Wasser ? Schaden ? Wirkung ? Flächennutzung ? Untergrund ? Afrika ? Studie ? Nachhaltige Produktion ? Bilanz ? Landwirtschaft ? Hydrologie ? Infrastruktur ? Investition ? Klimawandel ? Lagerung ? Lebensmittel ? Niederschlag ? Beteiligung ? Produktivität ? Ressource ? Richtlinie ? Risiko ? Sicherheit ? Standortbedingung ? Umwelt ? Wasserwirtschaft ? Planung ? Arbeit ? Bedarf ? Bewirtschaftungssystem ? Gebiet ? Globale Aspekte ? Kosten ? Maßnahme ? Ernährungssicherheit ? Boden ? Norm ? TEIL ? VERFUEGBAR ? PRAEZIPITATION ? VERHAELTNIS ? VERSCHIEBUNG ? VORSCHLAEGE ? VORSCHLAG ? Verwertung ? WAND ? WERT ? AUSGEWAEHLT ? Lohnarbeit ? Wechselwirkung ? Öko-Dienstleistungen ? PROJEKT ? Kapitalanlage ? Akzeptanz ? BEWUSSTSEIN ? MISCHUNG ? OBERFLAECHE ? REGIONAL ? SONSTIG ? KRITERIUM ? BEZUG ? Basen [chemisch] ? STROMABWAERTS ? Bilanz [Betriebswirtschaft] ? DRUCK ? EIN ? OEKONOMISCH ? ENTWICKLUNG ? FOERDERN ? GROESST ? STROMAUFWAERTS ? BESTIMMUNG ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2009-09-01 - 2010-01-31



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