Description: Das Projekt "High-resolution continental paleoclimate record from lake baikal: a key-site for eurasian teleconnections to the north atlantic ocean and monsoonal system (CONTINENT)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), Sektion 5.2 Geothermie durchgeführt. CONTINENT aims to (i) reconstruct abrupt climate changes during the Holocene and Eemian and Terminations I and II in Eurasia and (ii) to compare these records with abrupt changes in Europe. Sediment cores will be selected using seismic survey in Baikal. Biogenic and minerogenic particle fluxes will be monitored through the water column and into the sediments using remote sensing and trap arrays. Attention will be paid to processes occurring at the sediment/water-interface (to produce mass balance models for climate proxies). Climate reconstructions will be based on a multiproxy approach at high time resolution (diatoms, pollen, biomarkers, stable isotopes, photosynthetic pigments and minerogenic particles). Transfer functions will be derived using multivariate techniques. An age model will be constructed allowing the rate of changes to be assessed and compared to European records. Special emphasis will be towards a better understanding of teleconnections.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Potsdam ? Paläoklimatologie ? Biomarker ? Geothermie ? Klimatologie ? Meteorologie ? Pigment ? Sedimentanalyse ? Seismik ? Atmosphärische Wissenschaften ? Bohrkern ? Geodäsie ? Isotop ? Klimamodell ? Messdaten ? Umweltgeschichte ? Sediment ? Erdgeschichte ? Europa ? Datenerhebung ? Fernerkundung ? Klima ? Klimawandel ? Partikel ? Pollen ? Ablagerung ? Baikal ? Holozän ? Klimageschichte ? Klimaänderungen und ihre Ursachen ?
Region: Brandenburg
Bounding boxes: 6.14466° .. 6.14466° x 50.69716° .. 50.69716°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2001-01-01 - 2004-11-01
Accessed 1 times.