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Risk assessment of extreme precipitation in the coastal areas of Chennai as an element of catastrophe prevention

Description: Das Projekt "Risk assessment of extreme precipitation in the coastal areas of Chennai as an element of catastrophe prevention" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Institut für Umweltsozialwissenschaften und Geographie, Professur für Physische Geographie durchgeführt. In the South-Indian city of Chennai (formerly called Madras), disastrous tropical monsoon linked with excessive precipitation frequently lead to wide-flat floods in the coastal plains. Caused by rapid urbanisation, the population in urban and periurban areas is more and more affected by these events. Besides the marginalised population living in disfavoured areas, increasingly also the more wealthy population that settles in flood prone areas is affected. Interdisciplinary assessments are needed to explain the complex causes of floods. The project analysed environmental aspects of risk exposure as well as socioeconomic aspects of risk perceptions and response strategies. By combining natural-scientific with socio-scientific approaches, a holistic perspective of the complex reasons and impacts of flooding could be covered. The project consisted of the following steps: 1. Analysis of flood risk exposure: Physio-geographic, hydrological and meteorological realities in risk areas were assessed using remote sensing (RS) data and geographical information systems (GIS). 2. Analysis of risk perception and management: Affected marginalised poor segments of the population, affected middle class groups as well as local planning authorities were interviewed to analyse local perceptions of floods and dominant management strategies. 3. Development of a flood risk map: The results of the risk assessment were integrated in an interactive flood risk map. The map - using several different layers - functions as a flood risk management tool including often neglected socioeconomic and socio-cultural parameters which reflect local vulnerability. 4. Holding of two workshops: A policy workshop with different stakeholders involved in flood management and affected by floods was held in Chennai in August 2007. This workshop was to foster communication and dialogue between different stakeholders and to create awareness on the current situation and problems in the area. A roundtable with the partners from India and organisations dealing with flood management and flood relief measures took place in October 2007 in Freiburg in order to present and discuss the findings and to strengthen future co-operation, communication and networks.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Freiburg ? Wohnung ? Monsun ? Hochwasserrisikokarte ? Schadensvorsorge ? Blei ? Wind ? Hochwasser ? Überschwemmung ? Küstenüberschwemmung ? Fernerkundungsdaten ? Geografisches Informationssystem ? Innenstadt ? Interview ? Kartographie ? Regenwasser ? Sozioökonomie ? Umweltbelastung ? Urbanisierung ? Karte ? Starkregen ? Rechtsschutz ? Hochwasserrisikogebiet ? Bewertung ? Geographie ? Rechtsverfahren ? Handelsgewerbe ? Interessenvertreter ? Kommunalverwaltung ? Management ? Sozialforschung ? Tropengebiet ? Umweltgefährdung ? Stadt ? Küstenregion ? Verbreitungsgebiet ? Flachland ? Risikobewusstsein ? Globale Veränderung ? Hochwasserrisiko ? Meteorologische Analyse ? Hochwasserrisikomanagement ? Geländerelief ? Verkehr ? Niederschlag ? Population ? Abdeckung ? Bedarf ? Zusammenarbeit ? Planung ? Bevölkerung ? Gebiet ? Fundort ? Maßnahme ? Strategische Aspekte ? Katastrophe ? Kenngröße ? Körperschaft ? Risikogebiet ? Fernerkundung ? Risikobewertung ? Workshop ? Hydrologie ? PRAEZIPITATION ? VERANTWORTUNG ? Chennai ? RISIKOEXPOSITION ? Coping and Adaptation Strategies ? SCHICHT ? Werkzeug ? GEMISCHT ? EBENE ? SUEDLICH ? ASPEKT ? EXTREM ? Setzung ? GRUPPE ? KOMMUNIKATIONSPOLITIK ? GANZHEITLICH ? FUNKTION ? Netz ? PERSPEKTIVE ? BEWERTEN ? UMGANG ? UMWELTASPEKT ? GEGENWART ? BEWUSSTSEIN ? Umweltaspekte ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2006-11-01 - 2007-10-01



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Accessed 1 times.