Description: Das Projekt "Numerical Simulation Tools for Protection of Coasts against Flooding and Erosion (SIM.COAST)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Referat Drittmittel- und Landesmittelmanagement durchgeführt. This project aims to provide improved process understanding, new knowledge, methods, new and improved numerical tools, resulting in decision support systems serving decision-making at protection of coasts against flooding and erosion. Project resultys will contribute to improve reliability of coastal protection structures, and introduce an environmentally friendly approach in coastal protection. The activities will focus on work-out/improve/coordinate numerical model tools that are able to manage interactive data and forecast (by numerical simulations) short term (storm surge, tsunami) and long term (erosion, water level change) phenomena with respect to coastal protection. Project objectives will be pursued by exploring the available experience of the partners, creating complementarities /synergies between them, and using basic preconditions, as follows: - Scientific potential of all partners, the available theoretical knowledge, and expected new findings in the field of coastal hydrodynamics and flooding and - Long-term research cooperation with Chinese partners (dated from 1989) in the field of coastal protection (including some joint model developments, and published papers) - Experience in use of advanced numerical models (MIKE FLOOD, MIKE 21HD/CAMS, SWAN, VOF), as well as GIS data handling abilities, providing links to field observations and related monitoring programs - Well proven expertise in the field of coastal protection & risk management (via EU Coastal protection Projects: EU-FLOWS/FLOODsite/DELOS/CLAS and other - Experience in Environmentally Friendly Coastal Protection, advanced & innovative coastal technologies. Project output should finally help decision makers in: - improving co-ordination of coastal erosion and surface water flood risk - strengthening emergency planning arrangements - managing the investment of significant levels of public funding - helping communities adapt to climate change.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Schwan ? Hydrodynamik ? Synergistische Wirkung ? Winderosion ? Küstenerosion ? Wassererosion ? Erdwärmenutzung ? Technologietransfer ? Erosion ? Brunnen ? Hochwasser ? Überschwemmung ? Projektförderung ? Datierung ? Erosionsschutz ? Gebäude ? Küstenschutz ? Papier ? Prognose ? Sturmflut ? Unterboden ? Globale Umweltfazilität ? Tsunami ? Wasser ? Ackerland ? Bewässerung ? Daten ? Emission ? Innovation ? Notfallplan ? Management ? Oberflächengewässer ? Öffentliche Finanzierung ? Simulation ? Technik ? Hochwasserrisiko ? Klimaanpassung ? Monitoringprogramm ? Forschungsprojekt ? Bildung ? Entscheidungsprozess ? Forschung ? Forschungskooperation ? Pilotprojekt ? Risiko ? Gutachten ? Bauvorhaben ? Umwelt ? Umweltfreundliche Technologie ? Wasserstand ? Zusammenarbeit ? Gebiet ? Risikomanagement ? Schutzziel ? Investition ? Arbeit ? Klimawandel ? Küste ? FOERDERN ? BEZUG ? EINSATZ ? ENTSCHEIDUNG ? FORTSCHRITTLICH ? WISSENSCHAFTLICH ? FP7-PEOPLE ? Werkzeug ? Fluss [Bewegung] ? ENTSCHEIDUNGSFINDUNG ? Zuverlässigkeit ? Fluviatile Erscheinung ? ENTWICKLUNG ? REDD [Verringerung von Emissionen aus Entwaldung und zerstörerischer Waldnutzung] ? GEMEINSCHAFT ? Generosion ? Projekt-UVP ? KURZ ? BETRACHTUNG ? SCHUTZ ? Kapitalanlage ? Koordinate ? SONSTIG ? Scientific Research ? METHODE ? MOEGLICHKEIT ? Muskelarbeit ? NEU ? Training ? OBERFLAECHE ? POTENZIAL ? ERGEBNIS ? DAUER ? VERFUEGBAR ? VERWANDT ? HILF ?
Region: Hamburg
Bounding boxes: 9.99302° .. 9.99302° x 53.55073° .. 53.55073°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2010-04-01 - 2013-03-31
Accessed 1 times.