Description: Das Projekt "Reduction of NOx emissions from coal fired boilers using low temperature catalysts (Test Phase)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Energie-Versorgung Schwaben AG durchgeführt. Objective: The use of an innovative, catalytically operative process to reduce NOx in exhaust gases from coal-fired steam boilers. The advantage of the DENOX unit is that it may be built on to existing plants, without major modification, thus saving time, money and avoiding shutdowns. General Information: This contract relates only to the fourth phase of the project construction and demonstration. The demonstration plant is constructed at the Heilbronn Power Station and will remove the nitrogen from exhaust gases in Blocks 3-6. Rather than use the DENOX unit as it is used in Japan, between the boiler outflow and air preheater (prior to the desulphurisation unit, crude gas system) it is installed after the desulphurisation unit. Dust will be filtered out by electric filter and sulphur removed by the use of limestone as absorbent, with plaster as the end product. The nitrogen in exhaust gases will be selectively reduced by catalyst, with the addition of ammonia to break down the NOx into nitrogen and water vapour. The exhaust gases emerging from desulphurisation, at +/- 50 degree of Celsius, are heated to required reaction temperature prior to passing into the DENOX-reactor. Since the process causes no major heat loss in the reactor, the heat content of the clean exhaust gases can largely be recovered before the gases are passed into the chimney, by using the gas preheater. In constant operation, the gases only have to be heated by the temperature difference corresponding to the levels of the heat exchanger system. For this task a natural gas burner is used. Before entry into the DENOX reactor, ammonia, in the firm of an air/ammonia mixture, is added to the exhaust gas in proportion to the quantity on NOx contained. In the reactor, nitrogen oxide is reduced, producing water vapour and N2 as end products. After passing through the DENOX reactor, the exhaust gases are passed through the heat recovery system and cooled to the chimney temperature before being passed through and removed.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Heilbronn ? Schwaben ? Stickstoffelimination ? NOx-Emission ? Ammoniak ? Erdgas ? Staubfilter ? Abgaskatalysator ? NOx-Minderung ? Elektrofilter ? Katalysator ? Stickstoff ? Temperaturabhängigkeit ? Wärmerückgewinnung ? Wasserdampf ? Zusatzstoff ? Schwefel ? Contracting ? Absorptionsmittel ? Japan ? Abwärmenutzung ? Kühlgerät ? Altanlage ? Wärmeübertrager ? Katalyse ? Luftreinhaltung ? Energieversorgung ? Schornstein ? Entstaubung ? Kalkstein ? End-of-Pipe-Technik ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Rauchgasentschwefelung ? Stickoxide ? Energierückgewinnung ? Verbrennungsgas ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Verfahrensparameter ? Stoffgemisch ? Entschwefelung ? Abgas ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Vertrag ? Entstickung ? Chemisches Verfahren ? Dampfkessel ? Kraftwerk ? Luftschadstoff ? Kühlsystem ? Reaktionstemperatur ? Reaktor ? Emissionsminderung ? Abgasreinigung ? Energieeinsparung ? Versuchsanlage ? Feuerung ? Kessel ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Schadstoffminderung ? Gasbrenner ? renewable sources of energy ? Luft/Ammoniak-Gemisch ? Schadstoffelimination ? Vorwärmung ? DENOX-Reaktor ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1986-05-01 - 1987-10-31
Accessed 1 times.