Description: Das Projekt "Potentials and constraints of the link of agriculture and ecological sanitation" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Institut für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz B-2 durchgeführt. By 2020, the number of people living in developing countries will grow from 4.9 billion to 6.8 billion. Ninety percent of this increase will be in rapidly expanding cities and towns. More than half the population of Africa and Asia will live in urban areas by 2020. Growth in urban poverty, food insecurity, and malnutrition and a shift in their concentration from rural to urban areas will accompany urbanization. Severe environmental degradation and hygienic problems caused by the lack of infrastructure are additional problems. The linking of urban and peri-urban agriculture and ecological sanitation could play an important role for the solution of the mentioned problems. Agriculture within city limits, socalled urban agriculture, became a survival strategy for many poor families in the last decades. These families would not be able to secure their nutrition without urban agriculture. This form of agriculture can be a vehicle to increase food security and health, to generate economic opportunities for people with low income, and to promote recycling of waste and waste water. The philosophy of ecosan is based on the consequent implementation of the closing the loops approach (Nutrient Cycling). Urine and faeces are regarded as resources rather than waste. If collected separately they could easily used as fertilizer respectively as soil conditioner. The objective of the research is to evaluate the potentials and constraints of the link of urban and peri-urban agriculture and ecological sanitation, in short UPA-Ecosan-Concept. The UPA-Ecosan-Concept enables sustainable resource management, prevention of environmental degradation through urban agriculture, an increase in soil fertility and therefore higher yields. The challenge is to prove this theoretical statement scientifically. It has to be evaluated, if an UPA-Ecosan concept fulfils the requirements of a system, which is safe, easy to maintain, and transferable to local conditions. However, such a system has to be as effective as possible with respect to nutrient recycling, sanitation and public health. A vital part of the studies will be the investigation of the safe reuse of faeces and urine and the social acceptability of re-circulation of human-derived nutrients. The results should lead to a catalogue of appropriate methods and technologies on which a sustainable UPA-Ecosan concept can be based. Such a catalogue is imperative for the development of clear political guidelines, which should allow an effective integration of urban and peri-urban agriculture and ecological sanitation in existing urban economies. As a final result, the catalogue should address the challenge of rapid urbanisation and corresponding growth of food insecurity and sanitation deficits of the urban poor.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Recycling ? Lack ? Bodenhilfsstoff ? Bodennährstoff ? Wiederverwendung ? Abfallverwertung ? Düngemittel ? Urin ? Fäkalien ? Nährstoff ? Anfechtung ? Bodenfruchtbarkeit ? Innenstadt ? Reststoff ? Stellungnahme ? Urbanisierung ? Familie ? Abwasserwirtschaft ? Abfall ? Abwasser ? Bodenlösung ? Bodenschutz ? Rechtsverfahren ? Lebensmittelsicherheit ? Leber ? Nährstoffkreislauf ? Allgemeine Gesundheit ? Gewässerschutz ? Boden ? Einkommen ? Infrastruktur ? Strategische Aspekte ? Ernährung ? Erschließung ? Forschung ? Hygienisierung ? Kreislauf ? Landwirtschaft ? Lebensmittel ? Ressource ? Richtlinie ? Sicherheit ? Standortbedingung ? Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung ? kurz ? Überleben ? Methode ? gesundheitlich ? Bezug ? Teil ? politisch ? Untersuchung ? Ableitung ? Vermehrung ? Annäherung ? Neuartige Sanitärsysteme ? Philosophie ? Vorgabe ? Wachstum [biologisch] ? Entwicklung ? bestehend ? Erfordernis ? eingeschränkt ? Ergebnis ? Lösung ? ökonomisch ? wichtig ? Formblätter ?
Region: Hamburg
Bounding boxes: 9.99302° .. 9.99302° x 53.55073° .. 53.55073°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2004-04-01 - 2006-03-31
Accessed 1 times.