Description: Das Projekt "Eine Stadt entdeckt ihren Fluss wieder - Umweltgerechte Tourismusentwicklung im Stadtzentrum von Bremerhaven unter Einbeziehung der Geeste" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Arbeitsförderungszentrum im Lande Bremen GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The project will enforce administrative actions on a model basis for up until now touristically not used central area of Bremerhaven, including the banks of the Geeste river, a former economical centre of the city, in order to develop an environmentally beneficial touristic conceptualizations. Through the development of this area additional economic impulses for the economic sector of tourism shall be offered to a region, which on the other hand is faced with industrial decline. In the course of this, links shall be taken up to traditional resources and the dependency of the seaside town on the dominating environment 'water' shall be realized. General Information: The applicant Arbeitsfoerderungszentrum GmbH is a counselling agency owned by the federal country of Bremen. Its main targets are the development and implementation of projects. It coordinates for the town authorities involved (ecological planning authority, the town planning authority, landscape authority, the local authority for the promotion of tourism, economic planning headquarters) the development of the overall concept. With this project, the touristic promotion of an inner city area shall be brought on its way. Through definite ecological planning this inner city area will recieve its own ecological profile. Through this project planning ideas of the city council - which up until now are only occasionally linked - will be integrated in an overall planning process and then be implemented in exemplary pilot schemes. The central element will be the setting up of a ferry system to prevent the individualized touristic traffic passing the city centre. Through changed governmental actions, which will put the main emphasis on ecological goals, guidelines will be developed, which will allow a transference of the results to other european regions and especially a comparison with projects in regions with a different climatical requirements. With the Berufsbildungswerk Bremen an experienced partner for the project is available. In co-operation with spanish local authorities the formulation of questions and results can be exchanged and evaluated effectively. With the expected results of the project the intensified inclusion of ecological governmental actions for the touristic sector as a lasting improvement can be seen in addition will be supported through the formation of market proven structure touristic areas new offers will be developed, which can serve as new sources, this field.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Bremerhaven ? Main ? Spanien ? Seen ? Fluss ? Bremen ? Landschaftsplanung ? Industriegebiet ? Innenstadt ? Marketing ? Stadtplanung ? Touristengebiet ? Umweltbewusstes Verhalten ? Internationale Zusammenarbeit ? Strand ? Umweltmodell ? Verwaltungshandeln ? Kommunale Umweltpolitik ? Kommunalverwaltung ? Stadt ? Wasser ? Nachhaltige Entwicklung ? Staatshandeln ? Informationssystem ? Management ? Touristischer Verkehr ? Wirtschaftsplanung ? Wirtschaftszweig ? Landschaft ? Planungsverfahren ? Tourismus ? Regionalentwicklung ? Ressource ? Verwaltungskontrolle ? Konzeptgenehmigung ?
Region: Bremen
Bounding boxes: 8.80717° .. 8.80717° x 53.07582° .. 53.07582°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1994-10-01 - 1997-09-30
Accessed 1 times.