Description: Das Projekt "Vorfuehrungseinheiten (3) modularer Heizsysteme" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Motoren-Werke Mannheim AG durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate the technical and economical progress of using standard modular heating units with a gas water driven heat pump and peak load boilers to provide 1.5 to 3 MW of heating power. General Information: The combustion engine heat pump can achieve considerable savings of primary energy, but its widespread application has until now been hindered because of high investment costs, expensive maintenance and the relatively high pollution compared to boilers. The principle of standard modular heating units with gas motors of a low pollution rate goes towards solving this problem. The project involves the installation of 3 heating units in different locations for the production of hot water for the heating of several public buildings. The locations are the towns of Öhringen, Griengen and Weil der Stadt. The standard modular heating unit is located nearby the consumers, it consists mainly of a gas motor driven heat pump, assembled in standard modules, oil/gas fired boilers, a hot storage tank, and a distribution station for the heating network. The heat pump, for which the heat source is outside air, covers 25-35Prozent and the boilers up to 100Prozent of the heating power. The expected energy saving of the three heating units together compared to conventional heating is 448 TOE/year. Achievements: All heating units are operating and supplying heat to the heating networks. The measuring phase will last until the end of 1987. After this phase, the evaluation of the measuring results with regard to energy savings, economy and reliability of operation will follow.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Mannheim ? Brenngas ? Öffentliches Gebäude ? Außenluft ? Gasmotor ? Thermodynamik ? Wärmeversorgung ? Primärenergieeinsparung ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Verbrennungstechnik ? Primärenergie ? Arbeitsstoff ? Verbrennungsmotor ? Verfahrenskombination ? Wärmeerzeugung ? Wärmepumpe ? Wärmespeicher ? Warmwasser ? Warmwasserbereitung ? Alternative Energie ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Tankbehälter ? Triebwerk ? Wärmetechnik ? Energieeinsparung ? Betriebskosten ? Instandhaltung ? Investitionskosten ? Wassernutzung ? Wirtschaftsentwicklung ? Stadt ? Wasser ? Vergleichsanalyse ? Modul ? Anlagenüberwachung ? Emissionsminderung ? Ökonomische Bewertung ? Ökoeffizienz ? Heiztechnik ? Schmutzfracht ? Energie ? Technischer Fortschritt ? Anlagenbau ? Kessel ? Heizung ? Standardisierung ? Umweltfreundliche Technologie ? Prototyp ? Warmwasserheizung ? Netz ? Wärmequelle ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1984-07-01 - 1987-12-31
Accessed 1 times.