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AZV Project West Greenland

Description: Das Projekt "AZV Project West Greenland" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Münster, Institut für Ökologie der Pflanzen durchgeführt. The AZV (Altitudinal Zonation of Vegetation) Project was initiated in the year 2002. On the basis of a detailed regional study in continental West Greenland the knowledge about altitudinal vegetation zonation in the Arctic is aimed to be enhanced. The main objectives of the project are: a) considering the regional study: characterize mountain vegetation with regard to flora, vegetation types, vegetation pattern and habitat conditions, investigate the differentiation of these vegetation characteristics along the altitudinal gradient, develop concepts about altitudinal indicator values of species and plant communities, extract suitable characteristics for the distinction and delimitation of vegetation belts, assess altitudinal borderlines of vegetation belts in the study area. b) considering generalizations: test the validity of the altitudinal zonation hypothesis of the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map ( CAVM Team 2003), find important determinants of altitudinal vegetation zonation in the Arctic, develop a first small scale vegetation map of entire continental West Greenland. Field work consists of vegetational surveys according to the Braun-Blanquet approach, transect studies, soil analyses, long-time-measurements of temperature on the soil surface and vegetation mapping in three different altitudinal vegetation belts (up to 1070 m a.s.l.).


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Münster ? Vegetationskarte ? Bodenvegetation ? Pflanzenökologie ? Vegetation ? Vegetationskartierung ? Pflanzengesellschaft ? Habitat ? Lagerstätte ? Temperaturmessung ? Arktis ? Bodenuntersuchung ? Ackerland ? Berg ? Bodenbewirtschaftung ? Bodenqualität ? Bodenorganismen ? Studie ? Boden ? Verbreitungsgebiet ? Bodenwert ? Grönland ? Indikatorwert ? Arbeit ? Flora ? Gebiet ? Gebirge ? Sicherheitsanalyse ? Strategische Aspekte ? Indikator ? Bezug ? Annäherung ? Differenzierung ? Gemeinschaft ? Höhenstufung [Vegetation] ? Oberfläche ? Projekt ? Verhältnis ? Vermessung ? Wert ? bewerten ? kleinmaßstäblich ? regional ? wichtig ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2002-01-01 - 2025-02-04




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Accessed 1 times.