Description: Das Projekt "Eco-change index (ECI): Development and use of methods in ecosystem evaluation" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft durchgeführt. Rationale: Present plant/forest communities are the result of long-term interactions between vegetation and site factors including man-made impacts. Thus, present vegetation deviates from its natural state, and even from its undisturbed state under present site conditions, to some extent. Hence, for more than fifty years people have tried to develop a method to estimate the man-made impacts on vegetation or the vegetation/ecosystem change. Project aims Hemeroby is often used to estimate the man-made impacts on the vegetation. It compares present vegetation with a reference vegetation/system, which can be (1) pristine vegetation or (2) present potential natural vegetation (PNV). However, it is nearly impossible to find pristine vegetation on the earth, especially in the developed regions with a long human history. On the other hand, PNV is very hypothetical. Hence, we try to develope a method using the field data directly and objectively to estimate the vegetation/ecosystem change in the past. Methods: Evolution never reaches a final state. The evolution of ecosystems is chiefly driven by the evolution of species and by environmental change including the man-made impacts. The global climate change and the human activity can change, creating new impulses for the evolution of the ecosystems and thus, reorganising their development. Hence, we hypothesize that the present state (PS) of vegetation/ecosystem under the present site conditions is deviated from its undisturbed state (UDS) in species composition and functioning of ecosystem. PS is based on the field data, whereas UDS will be inferred using the field data and mathematical models. More than 10 biotic and abiotic factors of ecosystems are used for the ECI calculation of PS and UDS. The differentiation of their ECI will be a quantitative indicator of vegetation/ecosystem change.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Vegetation ? Abfallbehandlung ? Langzeitwirkung ? Register ? Globale Erwärmung ? Waldfläche ? Abiotischer Faktor ? Artenzusammensetzung ? Bewertung ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Daten ? Evolution ? Mathematisches Modell ? Mensch ? Schnee ? Boden ? Wirkung ? Ökosystemzustand ? Indikator ? Anthropogener Einfluss ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Ökosystem ? Umweltveränderung ? Gebiet ? Naturpotential ? Staat ? vergleichen ? Art [Spezies] ? Globale Veränderung, Klimaänderung ? Länder ? Methode ? Projekt ? Referenz ? Verhältnis ? Waldpflanze ? naturnah ? nicht gestört ? sonstig ? unter ? Ableitung ? Dauer ? Differenzierung ? Einsatz ? Ergebnis ? Funktion ? Gegenwart ? Gemeinschaft ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2003-01-01 - 2007-12-31
Accessed 1 times.