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Geothermal district heating network in Braunau and Simbach am Inn

Description: Das Projekt "Geothermal district heating network in Braunau and Simbach am Inn" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Landkreis Rottal-Inn, Landratsamt durchgeführt. Objective: Aim of the project is the exploitation and border crossing utilisation of the geothermal potential in the region Braunau and Simbach am Inn in cooperation between local authorities and private regional energy suppliers. The innovative technologies demonstrated in this project shall show the technical and economical viability of DH-networks using geothermal energy directly in competition to fossil fuels. A new drilling method will show a way to an efficient reduction of the drilling costs for geothermal applications. The drilling and installation of the geothermal well forms phase I of the project. In stage II and III of the project a single pipe district heating network is constructed using new planning. General Information: The stage I of this project comprises the drilling of a deviated well with a horizontal displacement of 2000m at the top of the aquifer. The production and the re-injection well will be drilled from one drill site in Bavaria from two cellars with a distance of 20m. The deviated well crosses the border in the subsurface. At the top of the carbonate aquifer the well will be oriented subhorizontally (second Kick Off) to increase the probability of finding permeability in the vertical and subvertical fault zones at the top region of the dolomite. The geothermal energy with a temperature of over 90 degree C (expected) will be directly used in a common integrated single pipe district heating network in Branau (AT) and Simbach am Inn (DE) with a connected load of about 20 MW. Stage I: Drilling of a geothermal well with an innovative method using deviated drilling from one site for production and re-injection. Geophysical test runs to test the yield of the well. Stage II: Engineering, designing and constructing the basic DH-network. Stage III: Further extension of the district heating network. Prime Contractor: Landkreis Rottal-Inn; Pfarrkirchen; Germany.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Bayern ? Inn ? Carbonat ? Donaugebiet ? Geothermie ? Wärmeversorgung ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Österreich ? Thermalquelle ? Alternativtechnologie ? Energiegewinnung ? Energieverbrauch ? Erneuerbare Ressource ? Geologie ? Grundwasserleiter ? Innovation ? Bohrung ? Heizung ? Physikalische Größe ? Braunau ? Rohstoffeinsparung ? Simbach ?

Region: Bayern

Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1996-10-01 - 2000-05-30



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Accessed 1 times.