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Municipal wood energy center Rottweil

Description: Das Projekt "Municipal wood energy center Rottweil" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stadtwerke Rottweil durchgeführt. Objective: Electricity production by gasification of 6350 tonnes per year of fuel wood from forestry waste, communal wood waste and energy plantations in a three stage gas generator in the district of Rottweil. 100 ha of short rotation forestry (poplar and other species) will be planted in a first step. The power output amounts to 990 kWe and additional use of waste heat and gas for heating purpose is foreseen. The production amounts to 7,130,000 kWh. A particular attention will be given to the fuel wood logistics and notably to a 3 months capacity fuel wood storage. The payback time is estimated at 15 years. General Information: The 600 m3 silos, gasifier modules, cogeneration and control room are installed underground. This minimizes noise and also enables the trucks to drive over the silos for direct unloading. The woodchips are dried to approx. 25 per cent moisture content in a vertical rotating conical dryer by means of the available heat from the gas plant. The pre-dried woodchips enter the 3 stage EASIMOD 3500 kWh gasifier. The first stage is an underfeed co-current primary reactor producing primary gas with flying charcoal at about 650 deg. C. Gas is then reformed at approx. 900 deg. C in a separate Venturi burner with secondary air inlet and charcoal/activated carbon extraction. Tars and phenols are cracked. The third step is a separate glowing coke reactor which acts as a safety for tars and phenols cracking and as a gas heating value booster. Gas cleaning consists of dry dedusting in multicyclones, followed by a two-step scrubbing (impingement scrubber plus packed scrubber). The gas is cooled down to approx. 20 deg. C and the heat obtained is then used for predrying the fuel in the woodchips dryer. Ammonia washed out in the scrubbing water is stripped in a packed bed stripper. A waste water treatment plant is foreseen. The dryer, gasifier and gas scrubber are conceived as separate frame-mounted modules. The whole plant runs automatically. The electricity produced will be fed into the medium 20 KV voltage municipal grid. The heat recovered simultaneously will be used in a following step for the heating of a nearby village.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Pappel ? Phenol ? Ammoniak ? Holzkohle ? Holzverwertung ? Aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoff ? Stromeinspeisung ? Abfallbehandlung ? Abfallverwertung ? Abwärmenutzung ? Baum ? Erdgasförderung ? Waldrestholz ? Kohlenstoff ? Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung ? Teer ? Temperaturabhängigkeit ? Wärmeversorgung ? Biomassevergasung ? Verfahrensparameter ? Energierückgewinnung ? Nachwachsender Rohstoff ? Entstaubung ? Pflanzenart ? Siedlungsabfall ? Abwasserbehandlung ? Holz ? Altholz ? Stromerzeugung ? Energieeinsparung ? Energiespeicher ? Modul ? Automatisierung ? Reaktor ? Schadstoffabbau ? Silo ? Gasgenerator ? Trocknung ? Energietransport ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Kommunale Versorgungswirtschaft ? Gaswäscher ? Wassergehalt ? Thermisches Verfahren ? Dorf ? Heizung ? Gasreinigung ? Brenner ? Entwässerung ? Schadstoffminderung ? Forstwirtschaft ? Gaserzeugung ? Pflanzung ? Kracken ? renewable sources of energy ? Rottweil ? Schadstoffelimination ? Vorwärmung ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1990-01-01 - 1993-12-31



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