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Strategy for the preservation of plastic artefacts in museum collections (POPART)

Description: Das Projekt "Strategy for the preservation of plastic artefacts in museum collections (POPART)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique durchgeführt. Objective: During the twentieth century artists have used plastics and synthetics to create important pieces that are recognized nowadays as masterpieces. Unfortunately some plastics are degrading faster than had been expected and their preservation constitutes a challenge. Their is a lack of knowledge and agreement about the way we can exhibit, clean and store them in order to lower their deterioration speed. The focus of this project will be on art museum collections created with synthetic polymers (typically cellulose nitrate and acetates, poly (vinyl chloride), poly (methyl metacrylate) with a special interest into polyurethanes objects or coatings) and will focus on three dimensional objects as these frequently exhibit physical degradation. The objective is to develop a European wide accepted strategy that improves preservation and maintenance of plastic objects in museum collections. Based on scientific studies and experiences gathered from partners, it is proposed to evaluate and establish recommended practices and risk associated for exhibiting, cleaning and storing these artefacts.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Celluloseacetat ? Denkmalpflege ? Kunststoff ? Polyurethan ? Nitrat ? Lack ? Zellulose ? Polymer ? Anstrich ? Anfechtung ? Vinylchlorid ? Konservierung ? Instandhaltung ? Risikominderung ? Studie ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Oberflächenbehandlung ? Reinigung ? Abbau ? Denkmal ? Denkmalschutz ? Risiko ? FP7-ENVIRONMENT ? Kunstwerk ? consolidation ? museum ? plastic artefact ? preventive conservation ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2008-10-01 - 2012-03-31



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