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Ecological Land Use Planning and Sustainable Management of Urban and Sub-urban Green Areas in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

Description: Das Projekt "Ecological Land Use Planning and Sustainable Management of Urban and Sub-urban Green Areas in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Göttingen, Burckhardt-Institut, Professur für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege durchgeführt. Malaysia has been identified as one of the worlds mega diverse countries being extremely rich in biodiversity. Tropical rainforests, the oldest and most diverse ecosystems on earth, still cover an average 60 Prozent of the country (Soepadmo, 1998). The rainforests are estimated to contain about 12,500 species of flowering plants, and more than 1,100 species of ferns and fern allies (MSET, 1998). The dominating plant family is dipterocarp trees many of which produce commercial timber being native to Borneo as well as to Peninsular Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippine, Thailand etc. Large portions of these species are endemic and uniqueto the Malaysian archipelago.There is also great diversity in fauna, including about 300 species of wild mammals, 700-750 species of birds, 350 species of reptiles, 165 species of amphibians and more than 300 species of freshwater fish. Endemism in flora and fauna is high. As with other cultures, it is assumed that much of the traditional knowledge about these flora and fauna are heritage of the many traditional societies and communities that are dependent on them for their livelihood (Soepadmo, 1998).Unfortunately, much of Sabahs natural vegetation has been altered and degraded due to unsustainable and destructive human practices. Their existence continues to be threatened. Certain forest types are in danger of being totally eradicated from Sabah, while many plant species will likely disappear before they have ever been described. The fragmentation of natural forests also threatens the viability of various wildlife populations. The State is undergoing rapid development and the transformation of rural areas into urban is also accelerating. Many green areas are lost which causes serious threats to biodiversity in the country, because green areas play a very important role in buffering negative impacts on conservation areas.The objective of this study is to provide the information for developing a concept for sustainable urban green management in Kota Kinabalu district as well as to judge the ecological sustainability and to describe the importance of urban green area for the public. A focus is placed on the terrestrial and aerial inventory of the natural resources, including trees, birds, and biotopes. Furthermore, the study tries to explore the perception and attitude of local people, concerning urban forests and green areas. It also explores and investigates the possibilities for implementing an urban green management concept.The terrestrial data collection accordingly comprises of four fields: (1) tree inventory/survey, (2) bird survey/observation, (3) public perception survey, and (4) the mapping and classifying of urban forest functions.i).


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Göttingen ? Blattgemüse ? Landschaftspflege ? Süßwasserfisch ? Fisch ? Reptilien ? Amphibien ? Messgerät ? Säugetier ? Schlichtemittel ? Vegetation ? Vogel ? Thailand ? Baum ? Biotop ? Farn ? Gartenbau ? Erosion ? Brunnen ? Malaysia ? Habitat ? Endemie ? Blütenpflanze ? Büro ? Fragebogen ? Interview ? Kartographie ? Kataster ? Pflanzenart ? Raumplanung ? Stadtteil ? Topographie ? Wohlstand ? Konservierung ? Karte ? Mangrove ? Tropischer Regenwald ? Städtische Grünfläche ? Naturwald ? Ackerland ? Regenwald ? Staat ? Rechtsverfahren ? Stadtwald ? Studie ? Grünfläche ? Dorf ? Dosis ? Stadt ? Boden ? Familie ? Natürliche Ressourcen ? Management ? Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit ? Wirkung ? Bevölkerungsdichte ? Wildlebende Tiere und Pflanzen ? Salztonebene ? Geodäsie ? Ländlicher Raum ? Risikogebiet ? Kenngröße ? Nachhaltigkeit ? Ökosystem ? Regeneration ? Abdeckung ? Urbaner Raum ? Bevölkerung ? Verpackung ? Wald ? Naturschutz ? Gebiet ? Datenerhebung ? Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung ? Fauna ? Biodiversität ? Flora ? Mittelwert ? EIN ? VERGLEICH ? DICHTE ? Diversität ? HALTUNG ? PUFFERUNG ? BAEUME ? BEWEGT ? LAENDER ? Global Positioning System ? BEDROHT ? ENTWICKLUNG ? Art [Spezies] ? ENTWICKLUNGSFAEHIGKEIT ? BEREICH ? BEWERTEN ? Bemessung ? ERBE ? EXTREM ? LAND ? PROBE ? WICHTIG ? Bepflanzung ? MEINUNG ? MOEGLICHKEIT ? ABHAENGIG ? NACHHALTIG ? BESCHREIBUNG ? Wachstum [biologisch] ? Probenahmestelle ? BETRACHTUNG ? Werkzeug ? Frequenzanalyse ? GEMEINSCHAFT ? GITTERNETZ ? ZWECKBESTIMMUNG ? Ortsbestimmung ? SONSTIG ? BEWEGLICH ? POTENZIAL ? Lebensgrundlage ?

Region: Niedersachsen

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2003-10-01 - 2006-11-01




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