Description: Das Projekt "Climate Impact Expert System (CIES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. Today, plenty of data is available on the climate, agriculture or forestry which is neither integrated nor easily consumable by individuals or companies. However, climate data alone and integrated with other data sources is valuable information for economically relevant sectors such as agriculture, forestry, hydrology and (bio)energy production. The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), IT partner (wetteronline GmbH) and Bayer AG (specifically Bayer CropScience) are among the leading entities in their areas of expertise worldwide. The proposed work combines their expertise in the following fields: PIK: Climate research IT partner: Information systems Bayer: Plant protection The goal is in a first step to develop a consultant software product for agricultural problems (including hydrology and forestry) influenced by weather and climate. This product will achieve new levels of sophistication, with potential applications to various regions and areas of the economy (energy, water availability, forestry, health, stakeholder consultations etc.). Key innovations are as follows: - PIK is well stocked with different models for the computation of climate scenarios, hydrology and water resources, vegetation dynamics (including forestry and agriculture) which are to be coupled into a tool. There is no such model chain in the shape of an integrative tool so far. - The project aims at developing a client-server based system, which integrates climate and climate scenario from PIK, open data available in the internet, as well as knowledge about crops from our partner Bayer AG CropSciences. Access will be provided via a variety of web-enabled devices. - Although some institutions supply climate data and climate scenario data, the resulting effects on economically relevant sectors such as hydrology, agriculture or energy production are lacking. Within this pilot study, such scenarios integrating both climate and sectors will be provided for Germany to start with. - In turn, the scenario data compiled by the model system will be the foundation and data basis for a user tool that will enable future users to apply the data according to their specific demands in a very user-friendly format. - The aim is to deploy this information for as many regions and users as possible worldwide. Germany and selected regions from other climatic zones such as China and Africa will serve as pilot regions.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Hecht ? Potsdam ? Getreide ? Vegetation ? Brunnen ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? China ? Software ? Szenario ? Wasserverfügbarkeit ? Open Data ? Klimaforschung ? Berechnungsverfahren ? Daten ? Energie ? Energiegewinnung ? Informationssystem ? Interessenvertreter ? Klimamodell ? Mensch ? Studie ? Versorgung ? Verwitterung ? Beratung ? Afrika ? Klimafolgenforschung ? Körperschaft ? Gutachten ? Hydrologie ? Klima ? Klimawirkung ? Klimazone ? Landwirtschaft ? Pflanzenschutz ? Produkt ? Wasserressourcen ? Wetter ? Wirtschaft ? Gebiet ? Arbeit ? Globale Aspekte ? Forschung ? Forstwirtschaft ? Klimaszenario ? Klimadaten ? Gesundheit ? Werkzeug ? NACHFRAGE ? SPEZIFISCH ? Öffentlich zugängliche Daten ? POTENZIAL ? NEU ? Datenformat ? VERFUEGBAR ? Expertensystem ? FORSCHUNGSGEBIET ? GEKOPPELT ? Verwertung ? AUSGEWAEHLT ? ZUGANG ? ZUKUENFTIG ? ANWENDER ? Muskelarbeit ? SONSTIG ?
Region: Brandenburg
Bounding boxes: 6.14466° .. 6.14466° x 50.69716° .. 50.69716°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2010-11-01 - 2013-12-31
Accessed 1 times.