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Reduzierung von Geruchsemissionen, Abwasser und Klaerschlamm sowie Energiegewinnung aus organischen Inhaltsstoffen

Description: Das Projekt "Reduzierung von Geruchsemissionen, Abwasser und Klaerschlamm sowie Energiegewinnung aus organischen Inhaltsstoffen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Südleder, Wetblue- und Crustfabrikation durchgeführt. The global leather industry has little knowledge about alternatives to chrome tanning. All scientific solutions for chrome minimizing in tannery sewage does not currently reach the low level in chromium derivation. The aim of the project is to avoid emissions in production processes, to reduce waste, to retain substance quantities and finally to create a closed-loop recycling system for the leather industry. All the waste water of the company Suedleder is composed of three component flows. These are sent to a company, which owns a waste water treatment plant, to be cleaned and pre-treated. The alkaline component flow is separately collected and fed into the waste water treatment plant by a pressure pipeline with added oxygen. The sulphide oxidation only takes place in this pressure pipeline so that the water flow retains its alkalinity and odour emissions do not occur. The alkalinity of the water can be used to precipitate the chrome in the waste water treatment plant. The acidic component of the sewage contains chrome and is collected separately to be purified in the treatment plant. After this purification, the chrome is totally separated from the water and recycled. The water returns to the production cycle. The next step involves an innovative separation of soluble proteins from the desulphurated sewage. It is then treated together with untanned remnant materials of leather manufacturing in a biogas plant where energy can be reclaimed, sludge reduced, and quantities of remnant materials to be recycled are also minimized.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Biogas ? Recycling ? Chrom ? Sulfid ? Primärbatterie ? Abfallvermeidung ? Biogasanlage ? Lederindustrie ? Sauerstoff ? Geruchsemission ? Abfallreduzierung ? Geruchsbeseitigung ? Industrieabwasser ? Leder ? Wasserreinigung ? Kanalisationswasser ? Abwasserbehandlungsanlage ? Abwasserqualität ? Emission ? Emissionsminderung ? Energie ? Energiegewinnung ? Wasserströmung ? Kreislaufsystem ? Oxidation ? Protein ? Basizität ? Aufbereitungsanlage ? Abwasser ? Wasser ? Stoff ? REACH ? Rohrfernleitung ? Rohrleitung ? Globale Aspekte ? Abwasserminderung ? Chromgerben ?

Region: Bayern

Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1997-01-01 - 2000-12-31



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