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Development of macro and sectoral economic models aiming to evaluate the role of public health externalities on society (DROPS)

Description: Das Projekt "Development of macro and sectoral economic models aiming to evaluate the role of public health externalities on society (DROPS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung durchgeführt. The project aims to provide a full-chain analysis related to impact of health protection measures related to priority pollutants as identified by the Environment and Health Action Plan (EHAP), to support the development of cost effective policy measures against pollution related diseases and their wider impacts. The project will achieve this through extending and further developing existing methodologies, models and data to provide an impact-pathway-based model for evaluation of the role of public health externalities on society. The model will be made operational for the selected compounds. Specifically, the objectives are related to the following pollutants: ozone, heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, lead), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and indoor air pollution. Since a number of these compounds is carried on particles, PM may be used for some analyses. Main deliverables from the project will include evaluation of a number of emission scenarios using a cost-benefit analysis and incorporating macro-economic modelling. A coherent set of methodologies covering the indicated priority pollutants will be developed and applied in this evolution. The project objectives will be achieved in 7 work packages. WP 1 will extend current policy-relevant emission scenarios to cover all the targeted pollutants or pollution situations, and will provide data on costs of measures. WPs 2 and 3 will review latest research and incorporate information on dose/exposure/concentration - response relationships for health and non-health benefit endpoints of the targeted pollutants. They will also provide monetary valuation data. Based on WPs 1-3 and on macroeconomic analyses done in WP6, WP 4 will develop an integrated tool for the cost benefit assessment, which will be implemented in WP5. WP5 will also expand datasets created in WPs 1-3 and 6 with environmental information, to provide coherent input into the modelling. Prime Contractor: Norsk institutt for Luftforskning; Kjeller; Norway.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlordibenzo-p-Dioxin ? Main ? Stuttgart ? Biphenyl ? Dioxin ? Ozon ? Nickel ? Innenraumbelastung ? Norwegen ? Emissionsszenario ? Arsen ? Cadmium ? Entwicklungspolitik ? Gesundheitsschaden ? Polychlorierte Biphenyle ? Quecksilber ? Blei ? Schwermetall ? Bonitur ? Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse ? Gesundheitsschutz ? Bodenschätzung ? Bodenschutz ? Daten ? Energiewirtschaft ? Evolution ? Rechtsverfahren ? Literaturauswertung ? Ökonomisches Modell ? Schadstoffanalyse ? Umweltinformation ? Allgemeine Gesundheit ? Modellierung ? Datenmodell ? Wirkung ? Arbeitsschutz ? Bewertung ? Partikel ? Umwelt ? Verpackung ? Abdeckung ? Schadstoff ? Kosten ? Politik ? Gesundheitspolitik ? Verunreinigung ? Maßnahme ? Arbeit ? Krankheit ? Umwelt und Gesundheit ? Gesellschaft und Soziales ? bestehend ? Verbindung ? fördern ? Emissionssituation, Szenario ? gebraucht ? geplant ? Pfad ? gesundheitlich ? Schutz ? Ableitung ? verwandt ? angewandt ? ausgewählt ? Lernziel ? Projekt ? Methodik ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2005-11-01 - 2007-10-30




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